Last ride of the season. Result: first fall on FZ-6


The Pillaging Tatar
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Jul 1, 2010
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Greenwich, CT
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Here we go - my first fall on my "MiG"
Went for a ride today to take the bike to my parents' and park it for the winter. Learned a lesson about tire temperature and rear brake use (I think!).

It's been kind of chilly lately - between 20 and 30 for the past few days. Funny, as i was rolling out of parking lot, i kept thinking "tires, tires, take it easy, man - they will need time to warm up".

Rode for about 20 mins and then stopped by for fuel and fuel stabilizer. I'm guessing this is where the tires cooled down again? I roll out of the gas station, get on the road and start heading down hill at maybe 15 mph. I am keeping my distance from the car in front of me and as the light ahead turns yellow i start braking, and this is where (I think) I apply rear brake. If i understand this correctly, up until that moment I did not use the rear brake today (though I usually do on the way out of the parking lot), and the bike has been standing outside for a few weeks under cover. I am guessing the rear brake locked out (you know how in the car after rain the first braking is stronger due to oxide on the surface of the disk?) and down i go.

I step off the bike and inertia carried moved me forward so i land on right knee and left elbow, while i'm watching the bike slide down the road and to the right on it's side toward the car in front of me. Aaaaand... Contact!

No damage to the car in front though - i think the bike actually hit it with the passenger's gel backrest. I get the bike up, inspect the damage. Not too happy, but could be much worse. So, to summarize the damage:

Damage to the the Bike:

- Windshield is on the road (in one piece though)
- The fairing

- The frame slider did its job and sacrificed itself
- Some extra scratches right under "Yamaha" on the stator cover (there was a small one from PO)

- Bent right rear-view mirror (ironically, i like the "new" angle better)

- Small scratch on the rear axle - geting the nut off it may take extra effort due to some (very light) damage to the very end of the thread.

Damage to the Gear:
The gear absolutely did its job.
- The Firstgear Kilimanjaro jacket took the elbow impact and there are no traces on it. I had to look hard to find any evidence.

- The Firstgear HT II pants have one small scratch on the knee, but that's about it.
- Coretech Scarab Winter gloves took the impact too, and certainly base-of-palm padding helped.

- Sidi Vertigo - the zipper came apart on the left boot.

Damage to the idiot who got himself and his machine into this mess:spank::
- Left elbow hurts, but is not even bruised
- Right knee has a small scratch received against the jeans that were under the HT pants
- The most serious damage - Big toe on left foot feels like it got hit by a hammer - i'm guessing the impact with the ground inside the boot as i was trying to step off. just a little swollen and the nail went blue. Maybe that's where my bruised ego hides?

Lessons learned:
- Tire temperature will not rise as quickly and will go down rapidly in the cold weather (DUH!!!)
- Rear brake is dangerous when locked up
- "Polish" brakes as you start the ride so that the layer of oxide is removed.
- I got lucky - it could be much worse, especially if I did make it to Merritt Parkway and speeds were higher

Extra Thoughts

After I inspected the bike, I jumped back onto it and kept on going (the snow was about to start and I saw no reason to come back). I actually liked the feel of my newly "naked" bike - i think i did not notice wind noise. I'm starting to think if i want to convert to lighter fairing or go naked completely. I guess i have some time to decide. What are your thoughts?
My main reason for the bike is (a very short) commute and touring - I got topcase and planning on adding side cases - how does topcase/sidecase look on a naked?

Any recommendations on the frame sliders? I'll look at the name of these and will post, since it looks like they serve their purpose.

Any danger from the (seemingly light) impact to the rear axle? The very end of the thread appears to be damaged, no signs of movement within the adjustment range though - it just worked as one of the points of contact.

Smersh! Glad you are ok and your baby is not too badly damaged.

It could have been a lot worse.

Good job it was your last ride of the season. Plenty of time to get her looking good again.

, i had alot of trouble keeping my rear wheel from not spinning when its cold , i think its the reason why alot of people dont ride when its colder , i also went down before winter locking up my rear wheel but it wasnt my fault i was cut off and had to jump off. Both me and you walked and rode away ,we learned a few things as a result though , i do hope you got coverage , i realized after my accident that its better to have full coverage since drivers dont have eyes in their heads , glad you're okay and learned something new
Glad you're ok. Sounds like you got off relatively unscathed. Your bike doesn't look bad at all, either. Now I guess you have a winter 'project' eh? Repair to stock, or switch to naked... :D
Too bad about the crash. There is really very little heat in a street tire in conditions like this, so that probably was not a huge factor. More likely you just applied too much rear brake and locked it up, once that happens the equation changes as far as control is concerned. You should always use both brakes just as a matter of course as it gives max control and shortest stopping distance.
Glad you're okay, and indeed that could have been much worse. Good to see the frame sliders did their job.

I actually find the zipper failing on the Sidi Vertigos very upsetting. There's not a whole lot of velcro at the top there, and there's no clasp to hold the boot shut in addition to the zipper.

A* fit my feet better, so that's what I have, but Sidi is seen as a very quality and safe boot by the community from what I've read.
Sorry to hear about your crash, but glad to hear you are ok. I wonder if it was black ice, given the temperature? There may have very little that you could have done. I had a crash a while back that chewed up my rear axel a bit, on the threads of the nut, but I've had no problems when I took the wheel off and reinstalled. I had Uncaged sliders, great but out of business now. The FS6 sliders I have now look ok but are untested. Take care!
All the gear all the time. Good job. Look at the positive, you are OK and might like a naked FZ6. Very good observations and thanks for the reminder! :thumbup:
Sorry you went down, but glad you're pretty much OK! Bike doesn't look too bad either.
I don't have side bags, but here's a pic of mine with top case:

Thanks, guys! Things definitely could be much much worse - especially if I made it to the highway before I hit the rear brake.

Erci, I really like the look- thanks for the photo- I am now about 80% certain I ll go naked. I was also thinking of getting those HID projectors. How to combine these two" wants"m? Hmmm, meditate on this I will!

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Glad you're ok.
I can't believe those SIDIs came apart like that. I guess the zipper is a weak point, but still.......

Agree - that's what i was thinking too. I know SIDI have good reputation, but I hope this was just the combination of direction of impact. Mine are not top of the line, but they were not cheap. Oh well, after trying to get it back in myself, i'll take it to shoe repair, to see what they can do.
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Hey, sorry about your accident, I'm glad you are ok and the bike will be too.
I agree with the SIDI boots coments, they should hold better. I mean, for a $300.00 pro boot.
Agree - that's what i was thinking too. I know SIDI have good reputation, but I hope this was just the combination of direction of impact. Mine are not top of the line, but they were not cheap. Oh well, after trying to get it back in myself, i'll take it to shoe repair, to see what they can do.

Glad you got through the hard part! Your okay and that's the most important part.

I'm also surprised at the SIDI boots! Was thinking of them as my next boot but after seeing that zipper? I have Astar SMX-5s now and love how they fit and they've been through 2 crashes. They have a Velcro flap the entire length of the zipper and I can walk around in them all day long.

Well at least now you'll have a busier winter get it all sorted out.