Latest additions FZ351 rack and Trekker 52 Top Case


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Jun 22, 2011
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Just added my new rack and top case and thought I'd throw up a few pics and quick comments on the install.
Many of you have undoubtedly installed the FZ351 top rack - here are my experiences using the incl. Givi instructions supplemented with this:

instructions are brief but workable, I mainly used the online how to for getting the rear bits off first. The last bit of the fz6 specific instructions (on installing the plate and what screws go where) are just plain wrong and I would have done best to just burn before reading.

Install wise it was a major PITA getting the under exhaust screws on there and I ended up using a belt to tighten the C-clamps towards the exhaust and a juducious amount of rubber mallet to get things in place. Why this has to be so hard is beyond me.

Several other places the design seems flawed too - I kept having to untighten all the screws to get things to kind of align and then tighten everything back down. Once everything was inplace (maybe 2hrs work) it seems solid though.

I'm somewhat surprised by such a high end product being so ridiculously off with it's instructions and seemingly rough around the edges when it comes to install (I mean it's fz specific after all). Also being left after install with 10+ washers, screws and spacers seems just wrong. However I am pleased with the results.

For the top case itself I went with the largest option in the new(ish) Trekker range with all the add ons (passenger back rest and top rack for strapping additional stuff on. Someone once said on here that no top box looks good, so you might as well get the biggest one and I agree :)
Anyway installing the addons was easy and I am happy with the results.

And yes. It. is. HUGE.

thanks for watching.
oh yeah ps - here's a shot of the inside of the case and the screws for the accessories (top rack and back rest) - you have to be REAL vigilant when tightening those screws - you can easily put one straight through the soft rubber washers on the inside, but if you're careful I am confident the system will stay waterproof.
Looks great, love the usefulness of that box with the luggage rack on top. I went with the Shad mount, very simple install. I'm surprised that the Givi was such a hassle.

P.S.I sure hope TownsendsFJR1300 doesn't see your pics....those headers need some elbow grease!