Look where my FZ6 went today....

Nelly - Do you have an url for Jacket One? I tired couple of searches but no luck. Thanks!
Nelly - Do you have an url for Jacket One? I tired couple of searches but no luck. Thanks!
Hey Pete,

It would seem that on their site the Celtic range has been discontinued.
What size do you need? There is a store at the end of my road and I can go take a look see if you wish.

I found this link on E-bay:
All matching items for sale., the store owner is a straight up guy. If its no longer in production he will no.

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Great pics Neil. How are you doing the ones on the bike?

I have an onboard camera and grabbed these pics as stills from the AVI file. Doesn't look as good as yours or Wavex's....:(
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Great pics Neil. How are you doing the ones on the bike?

I have an onboard camera and grabbed these pics as stills from the AVI file. Doesn't look as good as yours or Wavex's....:(
I am way low tech than that. I have the camera around my neck and just point it in the general direction of the subject lol.
I did try using a mini tripod but, it didn't clear the screen.
Nice pictures yourself.
Great pics Neil. How are you doing the ones on the bike?

I have an onboard camera and grabbed these pics as stills from the AVI file. Doesn't look as good as yours or Wavex's....:(
Hi Daryl,

Its ages since I looked at this thread. I really like the picture on the left. What type of camera is it?

Cheeers mate.

How long is that road mate, sweet.


Many miles, I'm sure but just following the leader that took this photo over his helmet on a whim! I cropped it in photoshop, but I still think it is amazing for just snapping a quick one over the shoulder. We were on all kinds of country roads today...mostly new territory for me.

Great pics. Thanks. May I ask where you got that tank cover?
Thanks mate,

I am crap with a camera and today was the first time I put any effort in. Keira and Wavex are excellent at composing pictures.

My wife is Irish and we have decided that our children should have Irish passports. We are trying to migrate back to Ireland so it will hopefully make the process easier.


Migrate to Ireland????

I thought you just had to jump on the Ryanair shuttle and when you get there you have migrated.

I am sure I can think of a joke about Irish passports but it is too early in the morning for me.

Good pics though...I saw St Martins and the Tate Gallery and wondered where the hell Nelson had gone. I think it is the angle you took it at.

Migrate to Ireland????

I thought you just had to jump on the Ryanair shuttle and when you get there you have migrated.

I am sure I can think of a joke about Irish passports but it is too early in the morning for me.

Good pics though...I saw St Martins and the Tate Gallery and wondered where the hell Nelson had gone. I think it is the angle you took it at.

Nelson is still there mate,
Unfortunately the day I went he had covers over him as he was being cleaned.
