Look where my FZ6 went today....

Real quick....Lassen Volcanic National Park 4 days ago.

And still more.........

Norman outside the Queens gaff.
The Queens fountain.
Riding in traffic.
The way home.
Pink ME 109, that thing could do 72 mph. Vintage road car fabricated from the famous German WWII fighter plane.

I'm pretty sure that was Jeremy Clarkson driving that ME 109! Great pics and thanks for sharing!
How did you turn the map picture into a viewable picture like the photos? Is it PDF?

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2

How did you turn the map picture into a viewable picture like the photos? Is it PDF?

I think you're asking about this? I did a screen snap-shot and saved to jpg. Some refer to this as "Screen Print" That was from Google Maps.

View attachment 44245
Thanks for that, I can do the print screen bit but can't do the save as jpeg bit. I know this is a bit dumb. Just can't figure it out?


You need an application you can paste the image into. This is lame and crude but Microsoft products come with MS Paint (Paint, in Win7) which has limited function but it will work. Various other apps like Photo Shop, Paint Shop, etc allow more options.

From Paint you can Paste a that screen snap shot and do "save as" jpg. Win7 offers Crop as an option, but I think early versions you may have to use the "select" function to grab the area you desire ("copy" again) and finally paste this the New copy into a new image and save it. PM me if you have more questions so we don;t clutter this up.
2012-08-25 back to the location with the Nikon D80. . . Are you sick of the back ground yet?
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Sunday went for a ride through the town of Carson WA to Randle WA via Wind River Rd. and Curly Creek Rd. We've done these several times on our way to Cougar (west) and the roads are awesome! Lots of twisties but its 45 miles to get there.
This time we had to explore new places and took a 45 mile run up north on another section of NF-25 past Mt St. Helen's on her east side.
Let me say that the road quality was nothing like any place I've ever been. Its the side of an active volcano and the ground is clearly on the move. With this comes minor drops, slides, lifts, settling, cracks, sunken grades (X50) and even some jumps! Yes, the Fiz left the ground (Zing)! I'm guessing we passed at least 4 signs that read "motorcycles use extreme caution". They weren't Kidding! :eek:
Its a 44 mile one way trip that has a allot of great turns and the pavement is actually good except where the earth moved and created elevation changes. The deal is you must pick a line and run the obstacle course, slow down, and expect the unexpected around every corner! But, for the most part there's a good ride-able surface if you can avoid suspension damage, nads to the tank, and basically plan to toss the bike back and forth allot like motorcross. Maybe next year I'll spring for a camera but for now here are the usual stills from my cell phone. At this time I don't know that I would do it again (44 mile leg to Randle).

Carson to Randle
View attachment 45143

East side of St Helen's
View attachment 45144

Same view point, but pointed West
View attachment 45145

A view point on Curly Creek Rd. To our left is St Helen's
View attachment 45146

Here are couple of videos from someone else I plucked from the net if you wish to see the basic terrain in the good section before the turn off to Randle.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-MawwbjTAc]Wind River Rd. - YouTube[/ame]

Skip to 30 or so as they just get into the good part when this one ends.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk8XzPkRfmM]Wind River Road - YouTube[/ame]

Tags: Randle WA, Carson WA, Cougar WA, NF-25, NF-90, Hwy-90, Curly Creek Rd, Wind River Rd, Ride Report, Washington.
Thought I'd follow up where I left off. . .

2013 March

Yes, A Repeat - its a Great Ride! Even though I got lit up today! :spank:


Great shots. Were you able to avoid an award? :eek:

No awards were given at this time - always remember our friends are just a mic tap away. Luckily someone else was stole the show and I was left like road kill. :BLAA:

oh - cell phone pix only. But better than nothing!
No awards were given at this time - always remember our friends are just a mic tap away. Luckily someone else was stole the show and I was left like road kill. :BLAA:

oh - cell phone pix only. But better than nothing!

Lucked out there! I bet they were out in force all weekend. Amazing weather this early.
What I did yesterday… it's been a tad wet in the south of England lately.

Eynsford, Kent

Not my photos, but me on my KTM :D