Looking to move to Australia


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Apr 3, 2008
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Well i'm about to finish university in December, and i was thinking it would be an awsome idea to have a change of scenery and move away to a different place, in a different country, on a different continent, in the other hemisphere :D.

I'm 22 and will be getting my bachelors in computer engineering. I've been wanting to move to Australia for a long time now, and since this is a big turning point in my life, I believe it's a good time to do it.

The most important factors will be cost of living and finding a job relatively easily. Preferably i will already have a job when I make the big move, but if that doesn't work out as i plan i would like to have the option to change workplace without necessarily moving again to another city.

I would like to live somewhere close or in the city and that will not cost me a fortune. I'm currently unaware of the housing market in Australia and how it fares compared to North America. I will probably live in an apartment for the first few months, maybe a year or two.

So... a few questions for you Aussies.

What cities/regions in Australia have the highest standard of living (infrastructure, health care facilities, large job market) ?

Which of these cities are cheapest to live in (no rundown apartments please :p)

How easy is it to get an automobile / bike license?
How much does car/bike insurance cost?

What is a good salary to lead a comfortable life? (by this i mean being able to buy a new or used car, a motorcycle (this btw is a necessity :D) , buying whatever kind of food i want and not having to eat rice and potatoes every day, being able to go out with friends and not be cheap doing it)

Anything else you guys might have to add please do, i'm sure i forgot A LOT of things that i should be asking. But i haven't thought this out thoroughly, i'm still in that "i want to do it" phase.

The more you guys chip in with info, the better my decision will be :p
I can't help any but wanted to say "I'm jealous! I'm green with envy!" :D

This is awesome! Good luck you lucky bahstid!
Wow, now that's what I call a "change of lifestyle".
I can only state that I have only ever lived in South Australia (Adelaide), great place. A bit quieter than the other states, not as well-populated, but all very friendly people. Remember though, it is the dryest state in the dryest country in the world.

The eastern states are generally a bit more expensive, but still lovely places to live - so I've heard. Renting is expensive everywhere these days... if you can even find a place, I would suggest looking into a place before leaving the States. I would say Adelaide is one of the cheaper states though, unless you want to head north to Darwin... very hot generally with instant showers thrown in at random.

Work is abundant everywhere, and you should have no trouble with a bachelor in computer engineering.

As for the bike licence, you need to do some hours of courses (not sure how much... I got my licence 20 years ago).

That's all I can think of right now, and I have a small job waiting for me... finishing the install of my Leo Vince pipes to the Fazer.

Cheers, and yell out if/when you do move to the "great land down-under".

I would love to go to, one word of warning " Immigration".

Australia have it very well sorted when it comes to protecting their boarders and jobs.

I know New Zealand is in need of skilled labour. You can go to their website and calculate your immigration points. I would love to live in NZ. Heck I would love to live in any country for a change of scenery.

Immigration New Zealand

When I was a teen I lived in London for 2 years, and I was in Germany for 3 years when I was in the army.

I also travel a lot when I was a kid, it would be nice to give my kids the same opportunity.
thanks stumbles06 i'll look into Adelaide for a possible moving oportunity. I'm looking for a busy city, someplace where i'll have the oportunity to go out and meet new people. Because I will basically start over fresh.

I'm from Montreal, Canada, one of the busiest cities in North America. There are people doing stuff at every hour of the day, or night, so there's no shortage of things to do. I would like a place that's as active, not like Montreal, but not a city with a 10PM curfew :)

New Zealand would be another option, one that i thought about but haven't really explored seriously.

thanks for the comments and please keep em coming.

EDIT: speaking of weather... How is the weather in all the different corners of the country? (in detail :p)
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I have been to Montreal mate,does that place ever stop !:canada:
Would have enjoyed it more if I spoke a little french ,lol
Been to NZ as well,found it a little expensive , but a beautiful place.
Would have enjoyed it more if I spoke kiwi :rof:
As far as weather goes,South Australia is still in the grip of a drought,water is a little scarse at the moment,we only had a third of our rainfall for June and summers can be very hot !
All in all the life style here is pretty good, I came here for a holiday in 1989 from Tasmania.......another great place ,but not much work,.......and I,m still here,lol
EDIT: speaking of weather... How is the weather in all the different corners of the country? (in detail :p)

We get all sorts here.
A snapshot of the next 3 days around Oz...
Interstate Cities Forecast

Just remember.. It is the middle of winter here.
But basically..
Tasmania = Wet and cold
Victoria and NSW = wet and miserable
Queensland = Beautiful one day, perfect the next (or so the adverts tell us)
Northern Territory = Warm to hot with sudden showers
Western Aus = a bit of everything, but it's a damn big state.
South Aus = Cool in winter, hot in summer (paradise if you ask me...lol).

I was gonna move to Germany but have to be proficient in the language or you will not be granted citizenship!!!...I wish they would do that in the US for my landscaper and pizza guy. :Flash:
We get all sorts here.
A snapshot of the next 3 days around Oz...
Interstate Cities Forecast

Just remember.. It is the middle of winter here.
But basically..
Tasmania = Wet and cold
Victoria and NSW = wet and miserable
Queensland = Beautiful one day, perfect the next (or so the adverts tell us)
Northern Territory = Warm to hot with sudden showers
Western Aus = a bit of everything, but it's a damn big state.
South Aus = Cool in winter, hot in summer (paradise if you ask me...lol).


Hey stumbles, i really appreciate your continued input.

Since you're from south Aus. tell me, how cold do the coldest days get? And is that a constant temperature, or just a few freak days during the winter? Also, during summer, does it get unbearably hot, as in 35+ degrees on a daily basis for 3-4 months?

EDIT: the descriptions you gave me... were they an all year round approximation or just for the winter months ?
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All I know is their cage system is all wacked out of joint. Things may have changed but you couldn't have tinted glass, the vehicle had to be right hand drive and I would have to call my cousin but there were all sort of other things that keep him from shipping certain parts down under. The last I heard there was one place where you could still have a left drive vehicle.
All changed now,you can tint all glass except windscreen and you can get a permit for a left hand drive...........makes drive-thru's fun if your by yourself ,lol
Hey stumbles, i really appreciate your continued input.

Since you're from south Aus. tell me, how cold do the coldest days get? And is that a constant temperature, or just a few freak days during the winter? Also, during summer, does it get unbearably hot, as in 35+ degrees on a daily basis for 3-4 months?

EDIT: the descriptions you gave me... were they an all year round approximation or just for the winter months ?

Yeah, sorry. That description is for current winter weather.

The coldest days here... winter and spring... at night, it can get down to about 2 or 3 degrees, averages about 7 or 8.
During the day, the average temp would be 16 to 19 degrees, with a few days 20+.

As for the Summer months, night average temps are about 16 to 20 degrees, with the daytime average getting up around 30+. Yes, we do have some hot spells, but nothing like 3 - 4 months at a time. Although, last summer, we had a heatwave of 16 days straight with temps over 40 (I think). That wasn't very pleasant, glad I had a new ducted air conditioner put in the year before...lol

Hope this helps a bit.


Edit... Just found this...
Weather information Adelaide by Lonely Planet Travel Guide | Rydges Hotels & Resorts
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Stumbles is right we did have 16 days above 40degrees, and we do quite often have hot summers but we are a good average. Not muggy, and no snow. If your into partying all the time we are a bit behind, but dj's like 4 strings sometimes come here and no where else, they reckon we are better partiers. Our housing market is behind everyone else but are catching up quick. Other states look at us as a country town or as one politcian called us a back water. Every one is just jealous of us, and what we have. As for insurance same as every where, from what ive heard bike license has just jumped to 3 to 400 dollars, and stumbles and wolf just bought second handers at around 7-8 thousand.
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looking at that weather site symbles gave me, i got the urge to consider Brisbane, Queensland. Aside from the weather looking amazing, what can you guys tell me about that palce?

Also... i'm not into partying 24/7 :D... but if one evening i do get the urge to go out, i'd like to have more choices than the corner pub and the local strip joint. :p
Brisbane...........hmmm,nice place to visit but wouldnt want to live there.
Way too many tourists,stingers in the water,monsoons and I like a place that has seasons,lol
I've been thinking (daydreaming) about moving to Australia as well. I was wondering if anybody here knows how to handle immigration. What kind of visa do you need to have?

I figure you can't just pack up your stuff and go? You might need to travel as a tourist first, find a job, and use that contract to apply for a visa? I'd be interested to know how all that works.

As for deciding on a place to live : I'd get one close to the ocean, and surf everyday YEAH :)
quick question... I've been looking for some job web sites that list jobs in Australia. And there's quite a few of them. Which ones should i be checking if i want to find something serious, not just "salesman needed" :)

I was gonna move to Germany but have to be proficient in the language or you will not be granted citizenship!!!...I wish they would do that in the US for my landscaper and pizza guy. :Flash:

There is a whole lot of difference between moving to another country and becoming a citizen of that country.

I live in Denmark as does my brother. I have been here for 5 years and he has been here 16 years. We have no intention of giving up our UK citizenship but we are truly integrated into the Danish way of life.

Citizenship is just a piece of paper.

I have a friend in Melbourne who owns a computer company. he has been there for years and loves it....He is still British and always will be.

There is a whole lot of difference between moving to another country and becoming a citizen of that country.

I live in Denmark as does my brother. I have been here for 5 years and he has been here 16 years. We have no intention of giving up our UK citizenship but we are truly integrated into the Danish way of life.

Citizenship is just a piece of paper.

I have a friend in Melbourne who owns a computer company. he has been there for years and loves it....He is still British and always will be.


Hey Steve,

I couldn't happen to notice that you have a friend who owns a computer company in Melbourne. I'm going to be a computer engineer in December, and having just spoken to immigration at the embassy, my best and fastest choice would be finding an employer that is willing to sponsor me for a temporary work visa.

What exactly does your friend's company do? You wouldn't happen to know if they'd be looking for fresh new grads looking for work would you ? :)