Lots of good articles here

Just out of curiosity, where else do you guys get your riding info from? What magazines, websites, blogs, books, etc. do you read?

Keith's articles in Motorcyclist magazine.. in addition to all the great books (TOTW 2, Sport Riding Techniques, Proficient Motorcycling, Stayin Safe.. etc)

Oh.. Twist Of The Wrist movie is very good too ( goofy as it might be :rof: )
Keith's articles in Motorcyclist magazine.. in addition to all the great books (TOTW 2, Sport Riding Techniques, Proficient Motorcycling, Stayin Safe.. etc)

Oh.. Twist Of The Wrist movie is very good too ( goofy as it might be :rof: )

Cool thanks. Good stuff in those books for sure. The movie is good too, the part with the mom of the two kids is probably the best :cheer:
