
Here's a few possibilities that came to my mind:
- keep the surface of your skin as dry as possible (mineral makeup, powder, etc)
- try to make your helmet "dirt proof" (close the visor, get a wind block in it)
- wash or wipe your face on breaks.

A dust proof foundation must still be waiting for it's discovery, because I haven't been able to find it yet. :D
I hardly ever wear makeup, and never bother with it when I'm riding. If someone thinks I look like a hag, that's his problem. My riding buddies don't care what I look like, and since dh is one of them and pays plenty of attention to me ;) . . . well, that works for me.

I do like Chapstick, though.
I am a makeup girl. Been wearing it since age of 12 (much to my mothers concern). However, I apply in the morning and go. Only time I reapply is if I am going out with the hubbie in the evening.

As I've gained life experience (aged), I have learned to go without makeup at times. I usually only wear moisturizer, eyeshadow, and mascara when I ride. Chapstick of course but usually have to bum some from my hubbie since I usually forget mine. First time I rode to work I only wore moisturizer, eyeshadow, and mascara. I forgot to bring my makeup to apply when I got there. No one, I mean no one, noticed. I taught kindergarten at the time. Those little buggers notice everything. So, after that first time I never wore makeup again when I rode to work.

I flat iron my hair too. I use to wear it in a ponytail, but I like to let it blow in the wind now. I want to make sure everyone knows I am a woman riding. . You don't see too many of us around here. My flowery Shoei Goddess Helmet might be enough but just in case... lol ;)
Hi! I just joined the forum...I only wear eye shadow, mascara, and chapstick too. I have been struggling with a way to wear my hair though. It usually ends up in a ponytail. Even if I straighten it it looks like crap when I take my helmet off, not to mention it takes forever to brush out the rats.
Hi! I just joined the forum...I only wear eye shadow, mascara, and chapstick too. I have been struggling with a way to wear my hair though. It usually ends up in a ponytail. Even if I straighten it it looks like crap when I take my helmet off, not to mention it takes forever to brush out the rats.

:welcome: aboard LF....

I tuck my ponytail into my jacket when I ride. That will help keep it from getting tangled so bad. As far a helmet hair....unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about that, but I'd rather have helmet hair than my brains all over the road.
I usually braid my hair into two braids and tuck them inside my jacket. I always wear a tube scarf inside the helmet so the braids stay in a relatively good shape too.
Makeup with a full face helmet? How does that not destroy your helmet. I don't currently own makeup. Does chapstick count? Hah. My husband prefers it that way so he can kiss me and not get covered in makeup. I have no patience for that stuff but have respect for those of you who are masters of it :)
My wife has never been into lots if makeup , she usually did her eyes with some eye shadow and sometimes liner and a little mascara. And a tiny bit of either like blush or shimmer powder stuff ( one had like little compressed powder balls in the handle and it dispensed out the brush. Or a separate powder and brush, but about the same thing ). Either way she didn't wear much. Usually once or twice a season she would pull the cheek pads and hand wash and dry them but they were not that dirty, she just did them to be sure they were not getting too dirty. These days she has developed some skin allergies and is wearing nothing most of the time. Which is just fine by both of us!

And believe it or not ladies there are more than a few of us that prefer very little to no makeup ! Can't say that it is much fun to go for a hug or something and look like I was attacked by a powdered doughnut or something . And it don't taste great either!

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