May 2012 Scavenger Hunt

Green is almost too easy, so 'm gonna post a pic of my niece on my bike with a green truck in the background, along with green bushes and green grass...
Here is my cow pic :BLAA:

Also the Japanese pics. I thought we needed 3 different pics, but since acniss got credit for all 3 in one pic this should work. 1 pic is bakugan on my bike (along with my son since they are his), and pic 2 is my favorite Japanese rest. with a Lexus parked beside my bike.
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Well my A was dubious to say the least so here's a better one:


Gimme a Y.... my local (now defunct :( ) Yamaha dealer, I couldn't get any closer because the whole property is fenced and locked:

Happy Memorial Day (if that is appropriate)

it is 6:37am, Monday 28 May 2012

This memorial is close to an explosives factory I used to work at, and remembers employees who lost their lives in the two World Wars.


This is the top plaque for the first Great War of 1914-1918:


This is the lower plaque for WW2:

Here's my memorial day pic (12:48 AM here).

Lilburn appreciates the sacrifice and service to our country by the men and women who have served in the different branches of the Armed Services throughout our nation's history. Therefore, to honor these veterans, the Lilburn Woman's Club and the City of Lilburn jointly set up a Memorial Flag Program.
A United States flag and cross showing the name of the honored soldier will be displayed along Main Street on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day for approximately two (2) weeks.

This program is open to Lilburn-area residents who served in the armed services - not just during a time of war. We want to honor all deceased veterans from the Revolutionary War to the War to Liberate Iraq.
Well I just craped out this month, work, children, cricket.
I will get the others before the month is out.


Wow...I knew the race vehicle was gonna be a challenge, but I had no idea how hard it would be to find! I rode over to a "Race Car Museum" but the sign was covered and it really didn't look like they were evn still in business. Tried a bike shop, but there were no bikes outside :(
Oh well, I figured since I had other things to get done today (lol), I'd best head home.
Then, as I was parking the bike, I looked up and there are all these racing Ducati's on the wall.......I know it's a stretch Eddie, it's your call :)
OK, I'm gonna almost finish up here, I still need a horse pic but don't think I'll be anywhere to get one in the next 2 days.

Not sure if it's gonna count since it's not a purpose built race vehicle, but I have over 50 drag strip slips from racing my Grand Prix so I'm gonna try it and see if it counts. I'm going to look for another pic but just in case...

The train pic is in front of a train museum, unfortunately it was closed when I went to get the pic so there's a gate between the bike and the trains but you can still see some in the background.
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WOO HOO, got my horse pic (kind of). As luck would have it, a co worker showed up today in a 2013 Boss 302 Mustang (bad ass looking car, 444 HP, might convert me to a Ford man if someone gave me one). So, here's a pic of the rear of the car with the horse emblem and my bike :)