Might be getting another FZ6!


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Mar 23, 2012
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Northern New Joizey
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....because the insurance company might total my 05 :-(

Long story short.... Went out for my morning ride at 07:00 last Friday. It all starts with a marvelous on-ramp about a mile from the house. On my way, I see there is a commuter bus ahead of me, and he will be taking the same ramp. I slow way down to gap him, knowing that when he hits the highway, the on ramp is clear. I need to go over the highway before the ramp, and I glance over to see the bus is on the highway and the on ramp is clear. I setup for the turn, get the bike leaned over and pitch into the turn......

.... it was either diesel or air conditioner condensate, and I just wash out into a gentle low side.

All good so far, the right side slider does its job. I tear up my Draggin jeans a bit, and I think the right sleeve on on my jacket rode up and exposed my forearm a bit. I got a scrape, not rash. But I jam my right shoulder. And that is all the good news.....

No longer turning, the bike slides straight towards the grassy median between my on ramp and the corresponding exit ramp. It tags the low curb and rolls over, breaking the windshield, denting the tank (from my tank bag and the bent FZ1 bar) and comes to rest on the left shoulder of the exit ramp, laying on its left side.

Damage seems to be typical..... front fairing, one inner panel, airing stay, headlight assembly, tank, rear grab handles. Noticed a drip under the headers. Need to assess to see if case is cracked, but can't imagine how that happened. My R6 forks never touched the ground and appear straight.

I am ok, healing up. Just pissed. I take good care of the bike will have a tough ti,e letting her go.

So in a few days I'll find out what challenge awaits me.
I hate stories like this as they come out of nowhere, just like the patch of oil. A saving grace is you get to tell us about it.
Buhgger about the bike but glaad you're in one piece. Good luck with repairs or the search for new wheels
Yep, that really sucks.. Heal up

Think you'll be able to repair yours?


Hey Scott. I will be fine thanks.

The more I disassemble, the more confident it can be repaired easily. The challenge will be to avoid having it totaled. My policy separates accessories with actual 'parts' so I plan on accessorizing ,y FZ1 bar, Puig windshield, Woodcraft sliders, etc from actual repair cost. Right now, I come up with $1,470 in OEM parts and $ 1053 in accessories. As long as they assess the value of an 05 FZ6 with 67k mileage at greater than $1470, I hope I am good.

Either way, I'm getting another 6. Any color other than Blue :)
I hate stories like this as they come out of nowhere, just like the patch of oil. A saving grace is you get to tell us about it.
Buhgger about the bike but glaad you're in one piece. Good luck with repairs or the search for new wheels

Thanks, I'm good. Sadly, because I contracted TMB it's taking a longer time than I have patience for.
Best part is you're okay! I know you kept that bike really well.

Thanks Cliff. I'm ok. Itching to get back in the saddle. I am an MSF instructor, so I understand the concept of 'Serious Fun'. I just need to navigate the dangerous waters of motorcycle insurance to see if I am fixing her up (my preference) or searching for a replacement 6.
I'm pretty sure you can "buy the bike" back from the Ins company if it is totalled.

Of course, the title will show "rebuilt" which will lessen the overall value but I don't suspect you'd care bout that.

I WOULD put at least a BLUE fuel tank on it.. Although the Fastest color, it'd help keep you "upright" zipping above street grunge.. ;)

Damn dude, glad you are OK after a LS. Those can be hard on people!

The only thing I could say about keeping a salvage title is keep you insurance payments low because another down and you get nothing.

Glad you're considering another FZ though. I looked at and rode a used 09 for triples power but also noticed I wasn't riding enough to warrant a new bike.

Good luck and be safe!
Damn dude, glad you are OK after a LS. Those can be hard on people!

The only thing I could say about keeping a salvage title is keep you insurance payments low because another down and you get nothing.

Glad you're considering another FZ though. I looked at and rode a used 09 for triples power but also noticed I wasn't riding enough to warrant a new bike.

Good luck and be safe!

Where you been???

Where you been???

Hi Scott,
Work is sucking the life out of me from dawn to dusk. The life in a major medical company is demanding.

I'm qualifying a new laser ablation system and that equates to thousands of tests, experiments, trial tests, and mountains of documents that need written and subsequently approved. Good times! Lol
Sadness, is that I've ridden the bike once in 2020. Which is crazy talk!
....and this just in.

After disassembly, I came up with my estimate. $1,675 in OEM parts and $1,053 in accessories for a grand total of $2,728. Insurance company offered me $4,461 to walk away or keep it for $3,424. No brainer!

I'm in love with Flo!

Shoulder is much better. Range of motion of coming back, but still really sore. Might go to see my 'staff' orthopedist, I am on the rewards program with him. One more bad joint and I get a set of steak knives!

Woo hoo!!!!!!
What parts need replacin'? What parts need paintin'? It might be a better deal to take the walk away and repurchase the custom parts. FZ's can be found for $2,000 for a rat to $3,500 for a clean example. Just buy back your bike for the forks and wheel.
What parts need replacin'? What parts need paintin'? It might be a better deal to take the walk away and repurchase the custom parts. FZ's can be found for $2,000 for a rat to $3,500 for a clean example. Just buy back your bike for the forks and wheel.

Typical damage. Cowling, one inner panel, one visor, fairing stay and the headlight assembly. Tank is dented up and the rear grab is really rashed.

I have a spare rear grab, tank and 2 visors. At a friend's who is straightening the tank in prep for a white pearl paint job.

Here is my thinking.... I bought her in 2012 with 3300 miles. The last 63k miles were under my watch. If I get a replacement with 20 or 30K, there is more risk.

Are you suggesting I take the walk-away then buy it back? I am un-wise in the ways of insurance.....
You can take the walk away pay out and then offer to purchase the damaged bike. There’s a $1,000 difference between the two values the insurance company offered you. I’d offer them $500 for the wrecked bike. Talk to the adjuster.