Minnesota Riders? Do any exist?

Ok we are planning to meet at Ridgedale Mall. 12:30pm Probably in the lot right accross from Champps. We don't have a destination in mind yet. Probably play it by ear once we all get together.

My name is Cory by the way.

Text or call and let me know if your in. Or post back here. I check regularly.

Had a great ride today!!! Hope next time some more peeps from here will join. It was nice meeting you Michael.

We tact on 300 miles today. My butt is sore, that Corbin seat is looking better and better!!
Had a great ride today!!! Hope next time some more peeps from here will join. It was nice meeting you Michael.

We tact on 300 miles today. My butt is sore, that Corbin seat is looking better and better!!
Thanks for inviting me on the ride! It was a good time. I had to be home at 4ish, so I took after right when you guys exited 169. I think I put about 150 miles on the odom, so you guys must have gone for a bit longer after I left. Let me know when you go on a ride again and it was nice to meet you too.
I will be sure to post a day or two in advance when I go riding. Normally I go with about 3 people. But it is always fun to get more people involved.
It'd be nice to get up there to ride with you guys, but my summer is pretty full. I'll try to make it to at least one. Do any of you go on MNSBR and ride with those guys?
I am on MNSBR. I have only rode with one guy from MNSBR so far. But plan to ride with more.

All comes down to who is ready to ride when the day comes.
This thread sure has legs. :lol3

Almost through the heat of summer and in to THE BEST PART OF RIDING SEASON.

If nothing else we should at least meet someplace for a beer and shoot the ****.
I need some riding buddies... none of my friends have bikes.

Im in minnetonka and always down to go ride after work or on the weekends.
I'm here in twins city too. I'd lit to go for a ride with you guys. I don't know if you'all know about the first Thursday of the month rally at a pizza place in MSP. I'll be there every month with my 09 FZ6. We can meet there and plan for the ride :D
I'm here in twins city too. I'd lit to go for a ride with you guys. I don't know if you'all know about the first Thursday of the month rally at a pizza place in MSP. I'll be there every month with my 09 FZ6. We can meet there and plan for the ride :D

I'm in south-central MN around the Mankato area. Sucks that all the riders and good roads are at least an hour to the north or east. I'd like to do a ride some time this summer since I didn't make it to any last year :spank:
The pizza place in Minneapolis is called Dulono's Pizza. Just search it on the internet. 1st Thursday of the month. Let's go there next month which is May 2nd. I usually go in the evening, cos that when everybody get off work. See you guys there next month so that we can plan an FZ group ride some time. :rockon:
The pizza place in Minneapolis is called Dulono's Pizza. Just search it on the internet. 1st Thursday of the month. Let's go there next month which is May 2nd. I usually go in the evening, cos that when everybody get off work. See you guys there next month so that we can plan an FZ group ride some time. :rockon:

Post it up here or at MNSBR if you get a group of FZs together for a ride! I'll definitely try to make it.
I know it's short notice, but any TC riders up for a ride Sunday (6/2)? Weather is supposed to be nice and I am becoming seriously bored riding all by my lonesome. We can search for pirates and keep track of the number of bikes parked outside of bars! Ape-hangers with tassels earn bonus point! :iconbeer:

Route suggestions are welcome... I have a couple of roads in mind as well.

So who's in? Anyone?


If interested, I'll be at the Battle Creek Park lot just off Pt. Douglas Rd. at 10:00am

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