New guy around here


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Feb 27, 2013
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Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself to this awesome forum (I've been lurking in it, even before I bought my Fazer :rockon:)

So a little about me. My name is Jaime, Im 20, and I live in Central Florida. I am a current college student (Computer science and Accounting double major) who just bought a beautiful black 2006 fz6 with 7.5k miles. This is my first toy ever! I figured since I've kept a 4.0 in college for more than 2 1/2 years I deserve a little fun now!:D

As far as mechanical knowledge goes, its only as extensive from reading this forum, aside from that, like i mentioned, first toy!

My parents don't even know I have the bike (even though they are Harley Riders), I just think they would over react, but I bought it with my hard earned "broke college student" money and after I got my endorsement, can I say that I am absolutely IN LOVE with riding.... I spend 90% of my conscious thoughts dedicated to the bike, 9.9% probably spent infatuating over women, and then .1% school... (how I keep my 4.0, who knows?)

Now I rather not spend to much time on this thread alone, but I do have millions and millions of questions you will probably see me asking... They may be a bit redundant and noobish, but we all start somewhere, need I say this is an excellent place to start!

anyways, Hello all and I look forward to hearing from y'all!!
:welcome: and enjoy. Plenty of Helpful people on this forum.

I've only recently acquired my FZ as well! First things first!
