New member welcome thread..

at the end the honda had carb problems,but when it was running good,power delivery was so linear compared to an inline four it almost felt slow which was deceiving because it wasn't. If that bike hadn't of been such a basket case when I got it, it may have been one for the collection. As it was, I don't miss it, I do like the new VFR's profile, but I'm not sure if it's the front view or the rear view, but looking at the bike in real life, there's something about it that I just don't like.
I love me some VFR. I would like to have one of these or find some one with mental problems willing to sell a rc30.

Sorry your was a basket case. Hopefully I will find one cheap that I can fix up.

Hey everybody my name is Mark and I live in Pearland, Texas which is about 20 miles south of Houston. I have a blue 2007 FZ6 and am just now getting back into riding after almost 30 yrs. of not riding. I turned 55 and figured it's now or never. The riding in this area is not all that good with plenty of flat roads, but I still enjoy getting out on a Saturday morning when the sun is shining. Yes I am a weekend rider and consider the bike just another toy. Hobbies include Scuba Diving and am currently a Padi teaching status Open Water Scuba Instructor. My day job for paying for all these toys is a Facilities Designer for offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. I have been married to the same lady for 29 yrs and can only hope for another 29.
New members

Hi everybody, my name is Robert and I am from Alvin Texas about 40 miles from Galveston where I like to ride and fish. I have a blue 2007 FZ6 my wife bought for me two weeks ago. Love to ride it to work, and every where else except when the wife and kids have to go with me. When not riding or fishing or paying attention to the wife or kids I love to restore and work on old muscle cars.
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I found the forum and signed up. I have had my FZ6 since Dec. 2006. I like the styling, power, handling, etc. I dislike the seat. It isn't very comfortable, so I'm hoping to do some research and find one that will be more to my liking.
I just noticed this thread tonight, good to get to know everyone on a more personable level; I'd posted a bit about my new bike and adventures in another thread below; took my first ever ride tonight and I think I've quit shaking enough now... :eek:

I'm a 47-yr professional bachelor, and this is my first bike, a used 2007 blue model. Work as an egress-systems explosives engineer for the Air Force (ejection seats), and an Ammo troop in the AF Reserves. I'm also a part-time musician; play keys, fiddle and sax in a local covers band (; we've been together for nine years but our bass player is transferring to Las Vegas, so that'll probably be the end of it. :( I also enjoy downhill skiing, cooking (especially barbeque) and woodworking.

Looks like there's a couple of members here from Vegas and Idaho; when I get a bit more proficient I may be looking you guys up!
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New to site

Spending the 4th away from home, family and bikes, thought I'd look for something relating to one of my pleasures, few as they are.
Live in N. Alabama, currently working in S. California on a 6-month project. Will be taking a R+R to Deals Gap in August.
The picture is my daughter on my (her) RD400.
Glad to be a member.

Hi ,
I just baught my first motorycle , something I've wanted to do for many years.
It is a slightly used 2006 Blue FZ6 model.
Loving it so far in the Okanagan valley,BC
After swearing that I'd never ride on the road again, yesterday I traded my 4 month old 07 Yamaha XT225 for a brand new 06 FZ6. In red. :Flash:
I took the XT offroad once the first time I rode it, and on the ride back home, I had an epiphany of sorts, realizing what I'd been missing all these years. The "fear" that I was feeling was nothing of the was the thrill of being back on the road on two wheels again. I never took the XT off road again and spent the next 4 months reviving and honing some almost-forgotten skills.
I must say that I left the bike store's parking lot on my FZ6 like an old grandpa....(which is what I am, come to think of it.. :p ), but within 10 minutes I was having a great time. Not too fast or doing silly things, just getting a feel for what I was riding.
What a beautiful bike the FZ6 is...I took it out for about an hour and a half last night, putting about 150km's on it of freeway, back road and city riding. I'm a wee bit untidy on the stops and take-offs, but getting much better. The extra weight of the FZ6 over the "old" XT still intimidates my 5'8", 29" inseam frame. (gimme a break, I'm Standard Limey Size). We're getting to know each other slowly and surely, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I cannot BELIEVE the handling of this bike....I went through a double dogleg on a fast road that would have had my knees slapping off the tank of my old 67 Bonneville. My FZ6 went around as if it was on rails...not a twitch from anything.
I'm glad I got the red one....everybody else seems to have the blue one. :D
Welcome from a fellow red FZ6 owner!

Those with the blue ones assert their fastnest as a defense mechanism against ????

Both colors only go as fast as needed! :thumbup:
Hey guys and gals, I am Joel and I just signed up to view some pictures here and to learn a bit more about the bike..

I just bought an 06 a few weeks back as my first street bike.. (I really like it btw) I am still in the break in period so I have yet to really open it up yet. I can hardly wait...

Anyways, cool site you got here and I look forward to chatting w/ some of you soon.
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