New Rider Training Ride (So. Cal.)



I'm going to set up a slow paced ride for training purposes. this is not going to be a fast ride, we will be stopping regularly to discuss lines, entry speed, braking points, body position ect. we will ride a section of road with an experienced rider leading (so you can follow there lines) and following to critique and help you adjust.

anyone interested in participating as either teacher or student post up.
It would be only ignorant for me not take up your generous offer guys :thumbup:

Those were things I was asking about last time; body position, entry and exit, apex, etc. When and where Dan?
I'm a new rider in the North San Diego area. I've followed some of my experienced friends and have explored a little, but would love to do this ride.

Let me know when and where.
I'll get with the other guys, that I know are experienced riders and figure a good route to teach on. once we get that set up will schedule a date. this looks promising as of now. :thumbup:
This seemed to die for a number of reasons. I think I'll post up a date and location after the beginning of the new year and gauge interest from there. I have a couple of sections of road in mind that would be perfect for this event, located near Lake Matthews in Riverside Co.

Check back soon...
Just to toss this out.
Everytime I ask people what they want, nothing is ever decided.

The best way to handle it, is just make a decision, say its this day, at this time, we are leaving here, now, if you are there great, if your not great.

Just my .0002 cents.

Sounds like a great idea and lots of fun.

Now I am going to go enjoy my 50 degree F day, with 20mph winds from the south, a wind advisory of gusts in the upper 30mph area, and ride my hot rod motorsicky.

Up up and away. :rolleyes::D:eek: