Not my shame. but I'll share

Monica A

Junior Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Reno, NV
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So yesterday, Hubby & I decided to play hooky from work. (I fibbed I had a medical appt - bad idea) It was our baby's 20th birthday. He doesn't have class on Friday this semester, so we decided to invite him along for a birthday ride. We were about 5 miles into the twisties. This is my son's and my 4th year riding street. I know this route really well. I've ridden it many times. This was my son's 2nd time. We warned him to watch the curves because they are deceptive. If it's labeled 15 go 20-25 max. Etc. Hubby riding in front, son next, then me. I came up to the 15mph curve and slowed to 20. As I came around the curve I saw a dirt cloud, then I saw my son's SV650 facing me on it's side on the shoulder. Found my son laying in the ditch. I screamed into intercom for my hubby but he was too far away. I figured he'd see we weren't behind him and turn around. Parked, took off my gloves, helmet, ear plugs - which seemed like it took an eternity to do. I could hear my son moaning so I knew he was conscious. We are out of cell range at this point. Some nice gentlemen that were out deer hunting stopped to see if we needed help. One was a retired EMT so that was great too. After a quick check from head to toe all the injuries we found were contusions to both knees and road rash on his wrist where his leathers had pulled free from his glove. Not a mark on his helmet. The shoulder was thick soft sand which helped in a way. Unfortunately, there was also some big boulders and a road marker.

He could walk (ish), so hubby parked the crashed bike safely out of the way, son jumped on back of hubby's bike, and rode to the closest town. Son and I hung out on the grass outside. I got a drink and ibruprofen for son. The proprietor was nice and gave me a bag of ice from soda machine. I made him as comfortable as possible, and hubby rode home to get our SUV and cargo trailer. At one point, I walked him over to the bathroom. Across the street some men were building a new barn. A man walked over and introduced himself as the local fire chief. He asked what happened, we explained, and he check my son said he was OK but needed to be seen my medical as soon as possible.

I had a discussion with my son to determine what happened as soon as drugs kicked in and he was comfortable.

Accident Analysis:
He came into the lefthand corner slowly (20-30mph) and felt he was too far into the inside of the corner so he accelerated. He hit gravel on shoulder at this point and front end washed out. He hit the soft sand and he was down. He kept sliding and the bike hit a boulder which sent my son over the handle bars (where he sustained his knee injuries). He remembers seeing his bike tumbling front over back next to him then flipping over him and landing next to him.

Gear Analysis:
Not a scratch on his helmet - anywhere.
Not a scratch on his Scorpion leather gloves - anywhere
Not a scuff on his leather jacekt (he was wearing a two-piece full-zip Alpinestarts leather suit)
Only scuff on the pants were where his knees hit the handlebars (we think)

So the moral to this story is ALWAYS WEAR FULL GEAR!!

ER doc confirmed if he wasn't wearing full gear he wouldn't have faired so well.

The patient is on crutches to keep weight off knees as they heal. He is wrapping them with ace bandages to keep swelling down and for support

Mom's condition:
Shakey but recovering. It's tough to come across your son laying in a ditch knowing he just crashed. It could have been much worse. The fire chief told me they pulled 6 guys off this same curve last year dead. Feeling blessed but still concerned. It was a record 1 hour 45 minute trip to ER. Usually you feel good if it's under 3 hours. They considered him a trauma so we got right in.

Bike's condition:
Totalled. Forks bent. Front tire is straight and handlebars are at a full-lock to the left. Front tire flat - rim probably bent. Muffler pulled lose from pipe. Many misc bits and pieces bent or busted. Tank has a huge bent on right side. Not sure about the frame yet. Hubby will look at it closer today. Miraculously the windscreen is untouched. Weird.

Overall this could have been much worse. I always cringe when I see people riding without gear. This is a good example of why we always wear gear.
Glad he was not hurt really badly! Can't even imagine what you were feeling coming around that corner and seeing that! Hope he heals up quickly :)
I know ALL too well what you are going through! My son hit a moving truck 10 years back, on his bicycle, so he didn't fair as well.
Still has issues with his leg & hip from time to time.

I'm SO happy to know that your boy is going to okay.... :hug:
Say, Monica, what highway/road was that spill? Just curious.

Highway 49 We were just past Sierraville heading to Downieville. You probably know what corner I'm talking about. Locals call it "dead man's curves". I got some pics of the bike I'll post up and Hubby got pics of crash site I'll post too.

Greg and I hung out at the General Store in Sierraville while hubby got SUV & trailer to haul my bike and the crashed bike home. Took us 4 hours to do that. Ugh! They were great to us. If you are ever riding through there, stop & patronize it. Great people!!!

Now we are down to logistics - he has a stick shift, can't drive that. He'll probably borrow our SUV until he can drive his car again or him and I will swap cars. Mine Volvo is easy to drive. Whatever is easiest for him to get into. He's pretty sore all over today.
No collision on the bike so, do we part it out or convert it into a full-time track bike. Hubby thinks the read sub-frame is bent. Right front from fork tube is bent, left looks just bent outwards. Front faring assembly is bent too. Rear rim is gouged up pretty bad in one spot but didn't break the bead so the tire still has air.

Crash didn't keep the boy from going out to his favorite steakhouse for dinner. His sister was freaking out of course. Calmed her down eventually. Momma had a ****tail with dinner.:thumbup:
I'll attempt to upload pics


The bike is currently strapped down in our cargo trailer, so the front tire is held straight with bike in chalk. This pic shows how tweaked the handlebars are.



Front faring a little tweaked, eh?

2015-08-29 10.09.28.jpg

This shows where he went off the road (see tire marks in sand) and where he landed. Estimate it at 50 feet

2015-08-29 10.06.19.jpg

Close up of headlight. Chunk is missing.
2015-08-28 12.03.11.jpg

The boy laid out on the grass. Helmets were keeping his knees in a comfortable position. Being a true young person of his time, he was able to text, etc. about his crash to all his friends.

I hope I got labels correct with pic. If not, I hope you can figure it out. I think you all can being as were all familiar with bikes and all.
Glad everyone is relatively okay! Glad you're okay cuz as a parent you had to imagine what that dust cloud was and then to see your baby in the ditch.
LOL! That mug resembles someone I've seen in a picture on this forum!
A bike cop round here has died recently in that exact situation. Obviously the major difference being we drive on the left, so going wide on a left hander put him in to oncoming traffic.

The lad is young. The things I reported to sick bay with after summer leave when I was his age, would probably have me bed ridden for a week now. He'll be fine in a day or two. Take one token out of his "luck bag" and put two in his "experience bag".
Glad everyone is relatively okay! Glad you're okay cuz as a parent you had to imagine what that dust cloud was and then to see your baby in the ditch.

The gal at the general store, we were at waiting to be picked up, offered me a shot of Fireball. If it wasn't 11am, I might have taken her up on it. lol I thought I need to keep my wits about me too so I can be of any help to my son.

Thanks everyone for the words of support
A bike cop round here has died recently in that exact situation. Obviously the major difference being we drive on the left, so going wide on a left hander put him in to oncoming traffic.

The lad is young. The things I reported to sick bay with after summer leave when I was his age, would probably have me bed ridden for a week now. He'll be fine in a day or two. Take one token out of his "luck bag" and put two in his "experience bag".

We've lost riders around here for the same reasons as your cop. I blew this corner the first time I rode it going the opposite direction, I was just lucky there was no oncoming traffic. I learned that day to respect 15mph corners. I have better skill on the bike now, but I still slow way down for slow marked corners. It's not a race so why risk it. Our son got the "over confident" "riding about your skill level" lecture today. He was ready to hear it. He agrees he was.

I agree with you, if this was me I'd be in bed for a week or two. Youth is wasted on the young. He'll be fine in a few days.
LOL! That mug resembles someone I've seen in a picture on this forum!

I wonder who that is.....

After I took this pic, I took off his leather pants so I could ice his knees. He was embarassed to be laying on the side of road in his underroos, so I laid his pants over his midsection. lol
Oh boy. A tough lesson was learned. Glad he is on the mend. As a parent of 2 "adult" boys I can appreciate the feelings you must have had. I barely remember the time I was immortal. As a parent I believe that the biggest frustration is trying to impart all the wisdom I paid dearly for to my kids. I'm sure cave man had the same problems with cave kid, telling them not to play with the big green lizard!
Glad to hear he is okay, ATGATT is good.
When I go for rides with buddies, I use my A* full track suit and SMX-boots.
Others come in jeans and mesh jackets or riding pants and mesh jackets.
When you go under the bike and the sharp swing arm and a piece of center stand fall on your foot till ankle, the race boots are the ones which helps protect your legs.
Whatever you paid for the suit will be paid off..!

Hope he doesn't lose his confidence and will be back on two wheels very soon.
Monica, sorry to hear about your son's off. Wearing full gear is to minimize injuries, and that's exactly what the gear did. I think he's lucky that there wasn't a guardrail around that corner, more harm comes to hitting one than the crash itself. Your son is still very young and strong, he will recover very quickly. Did you give him Quaaludes? He looks awful happy in that picture.
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Glad to hear he is okay, ATGATT is good.
When I go for rides with buddies, I use my A* full track suit and SMX-boots.
Others come in jeans and mesh jackets or riding pants and mesh jackets.
When you go under the bike and the sharp swing arm and a piece of center stand fall on your foot till ankle, the race boots are the ones which helps protect your legs.
Whatever you paid for the suit will be paid off..!

Hope he doesn't lose his confidence and will be back on two wheels very soon.

He had on full height track boots so that helped prevent injuries to his feet, ankles for sure.

He wants to ride today. No loss of confidence so far. It's almost the end of our season, so maybe next Spring...
Monica, sorry to hear about your son's off. Wearing full gear is to minimize injuries, and that's exactly what the gear did. I think he's lucky that there wasn't a guardrail around that corner, more harm comes to hitting one than the crash itself. Your son is still very young and strong, he will recover very quickly. Did you give him Quaaludes? He looks awful happy in that picture.

Hahahaha Nope, just Advil. He was in pretty good spirits. Kind of pissed me off really. I was bummed, I missed my ride and lunch at Bubba's Bagels in Grass Valley. But really I was relieved it wasn't worse. Part of me thinks it saved one of us from something worse. I don't know why. Just call it Mom's intuition.