Numb right hand


Junior Member
May 17, 2012
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San Antonio
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Recently bought my 08 FZ6 and when I ride for 30 mins or so my right hand goes numb. I used to ride yrs ago and never had that problem. Ive tried with gloves and without. I have also tried to loosen my grip, but there is only so loose you can go on throttle hand. It gets so bad I can barely remove my fingers to brake, and believe me thats a scary thought in a quick stop.
Please advise
I don't want to stop riding now, I'm really enjoying riding again
This is a fairly common problem with the fz6, the angle that the stock bars put your wrist in. There are many options out there to remedy this but I went with the fz1 bars. Many others also like the fz1 bars, or the fz6r bars, or aftermarket ones. Either way there is hardly anyone that likes the stock ones
My friend had a similar problem and went to the doctor. He found out there was a pinched nerve situation in the C4, C5 vertebrae area in the neck.
I used to have the same issue. A few things. You are probably bearing all the weight on your wrists. Use you legs to hug the tank. You may also try adjusting how you are sitting. The FZ1 bars helped me. A long highway ride try a throttle lock. That is when it starts buzzing the F out of my hands.
I used to have the same issues. My hands would go numb or my feet would go numb if I was on the highway.

Its going to sound ridiculous but its honest to god what helped me. I found I was leaning forward and putting more of my weight on my wrists. I was also SQUEEZING the living **** out of the bars. The vibs ended up making my hands go numb, and even my feet from the footpegs.

I found that I release my deathgrip on the bars and just sort of caress them, barely grip them, and it helps reduce the vibrations transferred to your hands.

My feet still go numb if I'm on the highway, if rest them on the footpegs and ride for over an hour -- I have to start playing with my foot position.

I think its more to do with your posture and mechanics of how you grip the bike.

But, if you feel like modding - there's lots of different gelgrips or foam grips that may help. Plus they look cool.
Same thing happened to me when I first got my 07 FZ6. Never had a problem with it on my 96 Bandit. I even compared ergonomics between the two bikes using this neato doodad.
Motorcycle Ergonomics

I rotated the bars closer to me, and changed out the grips, which helped a little, but not enough. I looked into modifying the seat, as well as front fork modifications....this wrist, knee, & lower back pain had to have a solution!

What solved it in the end was adding a set of 1 1/2 inch bar risers. I'm 5'3", and found myself locking my arms in order to get a comfy riding position. The difference without & with the risers was night & day. The bike was waaay more maneuverable than it was before, less squirrely, and generally felt like a brand-new bike! It made it much easier to ride, and I didn't find myself getting a death-grip on the bars just to try & feel comfy.

Granted, on 300+ mile days, the vibes still get to me a bit. We recently did a trip to Memphis, and I replaced my old throttle wrap with a hard plastic & velcro throttle rocker. It helped a lot on the straight slab sections.
you could try adjusting the brake mine is set to 3 but you can get it closer to throttle so that a finger tip is all you need to use.
i used to get pains in my forearm from riding, but after advice from a sports doctor a the gym, i tried light exercising of the arms, to get used to bike.
start slow and build arm up. soon you wont notice discomfort any more.
but see a sports doctor for your particular problem and he can show you the best advice for you:thumbup:
I get the same thing when I start out on a ride and as I'm more conscious I try changing my grip. I shake out my hand and it seems to be good for the rest of the day or only have short periods throughout a day of riding.

I've experienced the same thing on three bikes.

All of us are built different and so causes, ergos and remedies will be different.
What about one of those cheap plastic throttle doohickies.... Crampbuster!

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Thanks for the info. I have tried not hanging on so tight. Left hand isn't a problem with a loose grip. I did notice an awkward position of my wrist. I am going to research different bars. I'm a regular mountain biker, and have never had issues with hands, but they are at a different angle.
I really don't think I'm leaning on the handlebars that much, because I feel fairly comfortable. I can tell that I hug the tank with my legs, because the next day I'm slightly sore.
Thanks again
i have the same issue , im 6;2 315 i tend to lean down more but even when im not i get the issues more with right currently looking for a bigger grip, or like prev poster said the grip covers, my thinking for myself anyways is the grip isnt thick enough, i have same hand issue when i use a smaller sized screw driver handle instead of a bigger thicker one, could be closing your hand to far around the grip due to it being thin, it happens on all bikes i ride
I think it may have more to do with the vibes than with the hand position, grips, etc. Does it only happen at high rpms or pretty much all the time?

There's two things you could try doing about the vibes. First, when I changed my oil from Dino to synthetic, it seemed to reduce handlebar vibration a bit (it also started shifting smoother too!). I'm not positive changing from Dino to synth made the difference, or if it was just havin fresh oil, but either way it helped a bit. Second, I read a thread about some people filling their handlebars with silicone and lead balls, or sand as an alternative. I haven't tried this, but the extra weight and rigidity of the bars is supposed to decrease vibrations.

So I just thought I'd throw those two ideas out there...any other thoughts?
I've tried a crampbuster and didn't reallylike it as I like my hands out wide on the grip(sometimes gripping the barend) what I really like to use is one of these! Works simply and allows you to even take your hand off without scrubbing off all your speed! [ame=] Go Cruise Ease Stress on Your Throttle 1 Inch Handlebars: Automotive[/ame]
GRIP PUPPIES!!!!... i have had a set since 2006 and absolutely love them.. i used to get incredibly numb hands but not after i put them on.. recently i have been getting a little buzz in one hand (due to the grip puppies being a bit old now) so i bought a new set and just waiting for them to come in.. $10 and it works!!! good luck
If the numbness is comin from the vibrations while riding on the highway at 6-7k u should try a throttle body sync Esp if ur over 8000 miles..I had the same problem n this remedied it 2x
Went out for a ride this morning and was working on seat positions. Noticed that I do lean a on the handlebars ever so slightly. I decided to go out without the gloves. With the gloves(which are extra lrg) cut the circulation at my finger tips. Considering different gloves for now.
I neglected to mention that when I bought the bike the previous owner had lowered the handlebars a few inches. I don't mind leaning slightly.
Work in progress
Still love riding.
I have installed heavier bar ends, foam grips and bbs in the handle bar. These have helped, but the biggest improvement for me was better gloves. I only have about 4k miles on my bike, and I hear it also improves as the bike gets more miles on it.