October 2010 Scavenger Hunt


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Mar 5, 2010
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While I realize it is still September, I thought I would let everyone know I have a list of items for October. This month's theme is... still secret.

Unless someone else wants to take the reins, I'll post the list Friday, October 1, in time for the weekend.

(Don't fret, Humperdinkel, every object can be found in Australia) ;)
No one want to play? Too bad, it was going to be 10 +2 format. Not as easy as September's, but not too difficult.

I may post the list anyway, 'cause I want to chase the items.
Sorry, I didn't see your thread until now. DEFINITELY post up the list! I like these games. (Gee, if there is a kangaroo on there, I might have to get creative!) :BLAA:
Excellent! I enjoy putting these together. It's a lot more fun when you have people to play with.

Must post picture of bike with object. Ten items plus two bonus items that are worth more points. One point per picture, two for bonus items. Creativity counts toward tie breaker.

This is October's list. We'll call it O words. A dictionary may be helpful.

1- Octane Number
2- Odoriferous
3- Office
4- Oil
5- Old
6- One Way
7- Orange
8- Ornithological
9- Orthodontist
10- Open

A- Ocellus
B- Ossiferous

Good Luck to all.
Brilliant thanks,
I have decided to make up meanings for the words I don't undrstand.
I hope we get lots more members playing this month!

And Eddie....don't think you can hide...I still know your "location"!
I hope we get lots more members playing this month!

And Eddie....don't think you can hide...I still know your "location"!

Maybe we can do a USA vs. AUSSIE side bet!! Whichever country gets the most pics wins braggin' rights!! :BLAA:
I used the Merriam Webster online dictionary and "ossiferous" wasn't even in it! :spank:

containing bones, esp. fossil bones: ossiferous caves and rock beds

ossiferous /os·sif·er·ous/ (ŏ-sif´er-us) producing bone. os·sif·er·ous ( -s f r- s). adj. Containing or producing bone. ossiferous. [osif′ərəs]
containing bones, esp. fossil bones: ossiferous caves and rock beds

ossiferous /os·sif·er·ous/ (ŏ-sif´er-us) producing bone. os·sif·er·ous ( -s f r- s). adj. Containing or producing bone. ossiferous. [osif′ərəs]

Thanks I did find it elsewhere :)

So.... producing bone.... can I submit a pic of my bike with a nekkid babe on it? :spank: