October Photo Scavenger hunt

I am off to a slow start and doubt if it will speed up because the weather is awful over here in Denmark. Cold and wet.
But in the good British manner I will soldier on.


I didn't realize that my bike is the same color as your bike..and here I thought I was special...:spank:

Great pics!!!
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Ok. Here's a small start for me. I'll try and nail down the rest this weekend.

With a statue:

With a Police Car:

This one is nothing to do with the contest but I thought it was a great picture with excellent contrast.
Thanks for the :thumbup: The picture really didn't capture the whole effect one would get in person. I just need a better camera than this one (Sony DSC-H9) because I can't seem to capture what I'm looking at. Or, maybe I need some lessons in how to manually operate it and set my exposure, f-stop, etc.... I am an amateur when it comes to photography... :( The cool thing about digital is you can click a hundred shots hoping to get that one "money shot" :steve:

It wasn't the warmest of days but then I over-layered and ended up stopping to peel layers off!

I searched MANY side roads looking for an odd/funny/strange mailbox. I did find one of the Big Bass ones but knew there were already two posted so I passed it by looking for something unique. I guess I'll have to expand my search this weekend!