OGIO Bag Mount - Photo Needed

Gary in NJ

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May 6, 2014
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Amoungst the Twisty Roads
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I sold a set of OGIO soft bags to member Bryancraftyhands. I got these bags as part of bike purchase - uninstalled from the bike. All of the six parts that are shown in the installation guide were included in the sale, but Bryan is having difficulty installing these on his bike (S1). Does another member have a set of these bags on their bike (or just the brackets) and can provide a photo of how the brackets get installed to the bike? Bryan believes there is an additional bracket required. I have included a few photos for reference:

The instruction sheet

What was sent to Bryan


and reality...

Not me personally. BUT - maybe @agf back when he had his FZ? I bought FZ, a few years back - it had some soft bags (and maybe bracket?) that I shipped to him... but honestly I dont' remember exactly what it was. But it _might_ have been something like this. @agf still there and listening? He sold his bike but if I shipped him this, and that's a big question, maybe he has pics.
hi guys Im still around! youre right the bags aren't ogios they are Ortlieb! And yes they came with a really similarly shaped bracket that I could never figure out how to use. I never did! I sold the FZ6 but kept the bags and still trot them out every now and then and use them on the XSR. I run them over the seat and rack and fasten them to the passenger pegs. Might not be ideal if i was touring for weeks but for an overnighter, it does the job quite well.
Those look like the same brackets
Well, they were mounted on my bike when I bought it. Let me see if I can find any old/decent pictures of them (I don't think I kept them on long). Back in a bit.

(a bit later)

I can't tell/don't remember if this assumed you the givi top box mount bracket or not. I do know I removed them, but kept the top box bracket. Hope this helps, it's the best I can do.

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... but kept the bags and still trot them out every now and then and use them on the XSR. I run them over the seat and rack and fasten them to the passenger pegs. Might not be ideal if i was touring for weeks but for an overnighter, it does the job quite well.
This makes me very happy to hear... thank you!
That looks about right, except that is a top mount bracket also. In the instructions it lists a "monorack tubular holder". They look the same and mount the same except the top mount bracket has the upper surface area for a top box while the other looks like it just stops behind the cowling area. The image for it isn't really clear as it's covered over by a word box. If that is still around, that's the missing piece.
I finally figured out the copy paste pics on this site! Now if I can figure out how to move the cursor to the end of the pic to do another....
Well, I just posted the other pic in front of these sentences. Cursor wasn't moving.