Oil Cover scraped open


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May 24, 2012
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I was going down the street not too fast but probably faster than I should have being that there was snow on both sides of the road. The road itself was clear and as it was two blocks from my house I had been down the same road multiple times today and all was ok those times so I guess I was more confident than I should have been. Someone must have recently shoveled their car out and threw the snow in the road because my bike decided it wanted to go sledding on its side. Im perfectly ok, I barely felt it because I landed on snow, even the bike looks no different then it did this morning except for one little detail. That detail being my oil cover which scraped the rest of the way off and oil spilled out onto the road. I say the rest of the way off because I hit gravel once before and went down somewhere between 10 and 20 MPH and thats the same spot that scraped then (I do have frame sliders on from the first owner but didnt replace them after the first spill).

Anyway I need my bike back on the road asap because it is how I work. I was trying to do some quick searches on here but as I am in kind of panic mode and havent calmed down yet (this was like 30 min to an hour ago) I just want to make sure I dont order the wrong parts or too many parts or too little parts or etc. Also is it a quick swap of the cover and then do an oil change while Im at it or is it more complicated than it seems? Did anyone do a writeup I missed in my search?

The damage http://adventuresofkerri.com/images/oilcover.jpg

(FZ6 2009)

The parts?

Oil Cover - 1B3-15416-00-00

I assume I should replace the gasket too? 5SL-15456-01-00

Anything else I might need other than maybe then the one bolt that got scrapped the most?

As always, thank you all for reading and your help.

Your correct on most of your research.

You have the correct part #s and DO need the side cover gasket.

I used Yamabond 4 which is ONLY used around the rubber wire grommet (that goes thru the case).

There is a pick up sensor attached to the inside of the cover, two screws. I forgot if they were loctited on (been awhile since I swapped my cover).

TIP, instead of tearing the bike half apart (to un-plug the sensor), simply put a short sturdy stool right next to the cover and do all your work right there.

Also, keep the bike on the side stand, you won't have to drain the oil and none will leak out.. Just maybe put a rag behind where ever your scrapping old gasket. The Yamaha gasket does NOT need sealer(already applied).

Might take you 45 minutes going slow for the swap. I forgot if the sensor bolts are torx screw heads-VERY POSSIBLE..

Please be safe out there Ker! You still using that chain I put on? Lol!

Hurry back and couch surf here!
Sorry about the delay guys. I ordered the parts the very next day early early in the morning (Monday Jan 8th) and I just finally got the parts in the mail about an hour or 2 ago and am about to go out and fix it. The dealership I ordered from said they had the main part of my order (the extra bolts I ordered just in case did not have an eta so I cancelled them and picked them up locally) in stock the next day to be shipped and would go out the following day (Wed). I called Friday when nothing had shipped yet and the woman I spoke to on the phone said it had actually not made it in til the day before but it would ship that day. I called again on Saturday, then Tuesday (since Mon was a holiday), then Wed, then Thursday. The last few times they blamed it on the shipping department saying my parts were all ready to go and should have been shipped already. On Thursday he promised to go down and check on the order with the shipping dept (after blaming it on them being short handed) and I guess it worked since later that day I finally got the tracking number. This is all from Honda East Toledo. If you're not in a rush and just want the parts as cheap as possible I would check them out, if you need them in a timely matter though stay away.

I priced everywhere I could Ronayers, Partszilla, Ebay, Cheapcycle parts and whatever else I could find on Google and buying directly from them was the cheapest. I had bought a part from them on Ebay before and had a good experience so I went for it. I wish I didn't, it would have been better paying twice the price, (or more probably), and picked them up locally. Since I use my bike to work I have not been able to work all this time and cost me a lot more than the $50+ I saved.

Clif: Gosh no lol. I put a new chain (and sprockets this time) on that bike not long before the connection between the frame and subframe cracked (which ended in me selling the bike for, $650 I think it was? To some guy on Craigslist that shipped it to his island of Saint Lucia. He sent me pics of the bike when it got there and when he fixed it, when he crashed it into the side of a car. Last I checked he was still riding it though. Its like a bad child I put up for adoption, I still love it and want to know what happened to it, though Im glad its not my problem anymore lol). The bike had over 60k on it when I sold it.

The new FZ6 I put on just a new chain a few thousand miles ago. So now Ive done two chain jobs since I left you lol. As for couch surfing with you I would LOVE to but it might be awhile. I am crazy itching to go on a long roadtrip again but anything more than I week or two wont happen til I'm done with school at least. Im in the second part of my second semester (they do a long semester than a quicker 6 week semester twice per year) of getting my associates degree (3.625 GPA right now which I am crazy proud of since I failed out of college my first go around after HS).

Thank you guys for checking up on me and thanks Townsends/Scott for the advice and such. Both of you are always super helpful and it is very much appreciated. I will post again when I am done. Better get out there asap before it gets too dark.
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Ok so just finished (I hope). My biggest concern however is related to the 2 rubber seals around the wires and the Yamabond #4. I dont know how good of a job I did making the seals tight and also I probably got a little Yamabond on the inside of the oil cover. I could not get those rubber things to perfectly stay in place no matter what I did. I was expecting the Yamabond to be more glue like and if I held it there long enough it would stick, but I gave up waiting and put the whole thing back together figuring a tight seal from the oil cover being back on would probably do a better job of having it dry in place than I would be able to do just holding it there. I dont think I got quite as much on the inside as the outside but Im including a picture of the outside to show how bad my job might have been anyway :/ I also stripped that one screw on the inside of the oil cover trying to get it off too. I didnt have a spare so I reused it. The Vespa dealership/starting to carry motorcycles now too on my block helped me get it off with a blow torch and an impact driver. I was also worried that maybe a piece of metal shaving or something could come off from it (it was rinsed off real quick but I didnt go out of my way to clean it like maybe I should have).

Since I wanted to run it past you guys first to make sure Im not going to mess up my engine (or something else) next time I start the bike I did not do the oil change yet (or add oil for that matter).

The picture of the outside: http://adventuresofkerri.com/images/oilcoverafter.jpg
Your good!

That grommet probably wouldn't leak W/O sealer, but with it, there won't be any seepage...

I forgot, but probably used an impact on that screw as well.

Bundle up, crank her up and test ride.. But keep it on TWO WHEELS!

Your good!

That grommet probably wouldn't leak W/O sealer, but with it, there won't be any seepage...

I forgot, but probably used an impact on that screw as well.

Bundle up, crank her up and test ride.. But keep it on TWO WHEELS!


I dont have to worry about any of the stuff on the inside that I mentioned above mixing with my oil and getting into the engine though? If so *phew* big sigh of relief. Thats what I was most worried about. Im going to do the oil change in the morning (read:afternoon), it was already dark by the time I got done but this is great news that after tomorrow Ill be back on the road. Its been weird being off the bike for what seems like ages.

Again thanks and thanks and thanks.
The Yamabond dries pretty quick and sticks to what ever it was applied to.

Now, if you have BIG globs that fell into the engine (didn't sound like it), I'd pull the cover off and inspect/clean.

Pictured on the outside of the engine is fine. If it's the same inside, it's also fine..

There should have ONLY BEEN some sealer around that grommet.

I use the Yamabond on many applications (mostly small engines) and have yet to see a failure / leakage using it-GREAT STUFF...
The Yamabond dries pretty quick and sticks to what ever it was applied to.

Now, if you have BIG globs that fell into the engine (didn't sound like it), I'd pull the cover off and inspect/clean.

Pictured on the outside of the engine is fine. If it's the same inside, it's also fine.. .

That's what I figured but just wanted to be sure. Think we are all good then. Oil change done. Cleaned up the bike a bit. Spent a lot of time on the chain in particular (afterall it had gone down in snow last time I rode it so the chain had some rust appearance to it which mostly came off after spraying and wiping it liberally with chain degreaser). Just about ready to ride. Ill be heading out in about an hour. I ran the bike a little bit and went back and forth on my block and everything seemed great so far.

Thanks :)