One day trip around the mountains


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Athens (Greece)
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Hello everybody!
I'm a member of this forum for almost a year now and this is the first time I actually post a new thread.
I hope you'll like this, cause I know your thirst for trips, photos and fazers....

Well I usually store my bike in the garage in weekdays, but in the weekend, if the weather is not too bad, I always go out for a ride, most of the time with my fazer friend FZMAN.
This trip was done three weeks ago, on 14/05/2011 and the general idea was to go round the mountains of central Greece...well, not all of them but mostly there. It was a mountain route, but very pleasant and beautiful in the beginning of spring for this part of the hemisphere.

So, we start, 2 fazers, 2 Georges and a load of need for fun, freedomand clean air....
The route started like this:

With a stop at a local village, after 190km, the village of Gravia where it is very known for the battle that took place here between the Greeks and Turks, two centuries ago:


We had some coffee and ate some of the local pie, as it was just cooked and hot:

We filled up our tanks and left for the mountains:



The route was taking us among places of astonishing beauty and really loved it:




When we finally arrived at the Village of Athanasios Diakos....province of Fokida:

Where we parked our bikes under a tree and sat at the village's central square, to eat something and relax:



The village took it's name from Athanasios Diakos, a hero of the Greek revolution against the Turks in the 1821.....who back then, got caught, tortured and died a horrible death. All that reminds of him though, nowadays is that statue and his name.

We had an excellent meal with salads, local bread and pies and the spectacular lamb ribs which probably were the best I've ever eaten:


There was a lot of piece and quiet there, it was so relaxing that I could have easily fallen asleep under the shadow of that great tree...We didn't drink any alcohol of course and after a couple of hours staying there, we got back on the road of our return.



The lake of the Mornos river:



When we stopped outside the city of Livadia for a little rest and some coffee. George, all day, had a problem with his allergy that gave him a bit of a temperature and wasn't at his best, but this wasn't enough to stop him at all!


After that, we took the highway Lamia-Athens and arrived back home in the late evening.....All of that with just one fill up of gas on the road, aprox. 511km.. Oh, how much I love this bike!

In total,
we left at 9:30am in the morning and got back home at 8:30pm,
we spent 55 euros each, all included
and used 27 liters of gas, where our average consumption was ~5.28 lt/100km

That's it for now, I hope you liked it so I will come back with more next time.
I wish the rule for max 10 pictures in a post didn't exist, cause it's so annoying that I had to cut some out...
Fantastic pics mate , thanks for sharing :thumbup: I love to see pics from other parts of the world..

What cans are they btw ??? Look great but cant make out the logo , looks like Arka but not really :confused:
That looks like a beautiful place to ride, and the great food always makes the journey so much sweeter. Great commentary and wonderful pictures, thank you so much taking the time to share your adventure with everyone!
LOL, I was gonna say Colorado...............

Great report & pics there George, now we're all hoping it won't take you a YEAR before you post up again :thumbup:

Hopefully not my friend....

Now, as you have all seen from the pictures, on top of my helmet sits a small camera that I bought from ebay from China.
It's quality actually sucks and I myself am not such a good director, but for those of you who are curious to see, I'm posting a couple of videos from that day. Youtube also got the hell out of me, cause of the music I've put into those vids and had to change it some times, so I hope there's nothing wrong playing them in your countries....please be gentle judging my video skills....

Here we go:

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That's it, hope you liked is actually a bit boring but you can also skip some parts. Thank you all for your patience!
Great ride report! Nothing like a day out with your buds in a great area like that.
that was a nice ride with spectacular scenery! thx for sharing, videos aren t that bad either