Overcam engine at 14k rpm

I've seen that before - amazing what technology can do!!

FWIW: Camshafts rotate at 1/2 crank speed so those cams are at ~7000 RPM as the Video describes engine as being at 14K redline...
At 7000 its still moving so fast it looks like it's still! Cool to see how the springs spin. I remember you pointing out how buckets spin in my valve adjustment thread. Didn't realize how quick they actually spun!
Yep, the lobes angle promotes rotation (its NOT 90°) which is what makes makes the spring and everything else rotate to save the cam to lifter contact surface!

Obviously cams used with roller style lifters are flat (90°) as they no longer have that shear action of the lobe wiping the bucket but a roller.
What fun would that be???

Some having over 50,000 and 100,000 miles on them - they used good materials! Enjoy it before something else happens to it! :D
I've seen that before - amazing what technology can do!!

FWIW: Camshafts rotate at 1/2 crank speed so those cams are at ~7000 RPM as the Video describes engine as being at 14K redline...

Numbers that come to mind at 14,000 rpm:

A valve opens and closes 116 .6 times per second.
A crank revolves 233 times per second
A piston accelerates from a dead stop and decelerates to a dead top, ( @ 2x per crank revolution).. or 466.6 times per second.