Ozfazer6 meets Roo!

Glad you are Ok Mick. Karen texted me this morning with pics of your knee :eek:.. Bummer your bike is RS. Hope you get good news from the insurance.
Nothing is too graphic! And lets hope the swelling subsides in the feet or buying boots will be real fun. Any news on the poor bike?
Sorry to hear about your roo encounter. :( I hope you heal up quickly.
Humpy, shoot a roo for me, too eh? :BLAA:
Really glad to hear that you're pretty much ok. Also nice to see you posting again. Good luck on all the healing and getting a new bike.

Take care of yourself and heal fast.
Wow, this has been a rough season for us FZ6 riders. Glad to hear you are ok Mick. Thanks for the update Wolf.
Just got in and read the update.
Christ Mick,seems like you were relatively lucky with the roughing up you got.

Heal quick fella :thumbup:
Oh yeah,give Skippy a kick up the arse for me when you see him ;)
Quick update:This morning I am very sore but they did say I would be.The Dr says at least 10 days before I can walk unassisted :(
My boss rang me this morning to see how I,m doing and has actually lent me a car for my recovery,even though I can't drive yet.
Going to try and get some better pics of the bike shortly ,will post on here when I have them.