Paint the engine?


Junior Member
Jan 5, 2012
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Memphis, TN
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Hey guys been awhile got a 08 zx6r almost brand new been playing with it and modding it out and now since im content with it moving back to my FZ6 lol

anyway my 04 FZ6 the frame and engine is silver looks good but kinda getting sick of it i was wondering if i could paint it black like the S2 version? I know i have to get engine paint that withholds heat and all that jazz but is there anything i should look out for/avoid when painting it or does it matter at all?

Just trying to be careful and not **** anything up better to ask questions than do my thing and ruin something lol.
I saw that post but didn't really answer my question i need to know what was taped off anything on the engine itself to not hit or the rest of the bike to avoid being painted black?
yeah, he doesn't answer a whole lot of questions in that thread. all he really says is that he taped everything off that he didn't want black. maybe send him a pm? it'd be nice if he had a write up in that thread. sorry i can't help anymore than that.
Just remove anything you don't want paint on. :D


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i think your best bet and also to get the best finished product is to strip the bike of everything (wires, brackets holders etc) and label and mark everything where it goes on the bike to have a fairly straightforward reassembly. remove engine ancillaries that you do not want painted, take your time and be very very patient.

looks like you have a pretty sweet place to work on your bike! i like it.

looks like you have a pretty sweet place to work on your bike! i like it.

That was my back porch and living room in Maryland. Since then, my bike is in mothballs at my house in Texas and I'm stationed in South Korea. :(
Ok so basically i have nothing to worry about when painting it just have to tape the stuff i don't want black like the valves etc? and not have to worry about getting paint somewhere i shouldn't correct?
All electrical contacts, engine grounds, intake and exhaust ports, oil fill etc.

2 cents; its all in the details so don't rush it. If you want the paint to stick better do some reading as just painting it with no preparation to speak of will likely result it the paint falling off.
^^^^ exactly. was just getting ready to comment about making sure you clean the engine and get all grease and junk off or you paint won't stick. prep work is the key to any good paint job.
Yea im going to do all the prep work correctly give it a good clean and get w/e is safe to put on the engine to take the gunk and grime **** off.

Only reason i asked this question was i needed to know if there was any place i shouldn't spray paint onto the engine but i guess i was worrying for nothing lol thanks guys for the help.
I saw that post but didn't really answer my question i need to know what was taped off anything on the engine itself to not hit or the rest of the bike to avoid being painted black?

Sorry I was not very clear, I just simply taped off everything that was not part of the engine. I took the headers off and did them separately. I also avoided the radiator and the shift rod thing.. Everything else was pretty much blasted. I thoroughly cleaned the headers and made sure they were speck free. Please if you need anything let me know. Heat paint was used from Autozone in a can. Sprayed nice and smooth.
I scrubbed everything down excessively with dish soap, followed by a blasting with brake cleaner and scrubbing to get anything that was loose off of there. Right before I painted, I wiped everything down with denatured alcohol and a microfiber cloth to get any bit of dust or residue from the brake cleaner off.

It's also very important to keep your distance with the spray can. Getting too close will coat too thickly, inviting runs and fish eyes.
I scrubbed everything down excessively with dish soap, followed by a blasting with brake cleaner and scrubbing to get anything that was loose off of there. Right before I painted, I wiped everything down with denatured alcohol and a microfiber cloth to get any bit of dust or residue from the brake cleaner off.

It's also very important to keep your distance with the spray can. Getting too close will coat too thickly, inviting runs and fish eyes.

Runs yes, fish eyes no. . . . Fishies come cool stuff like silicon!!!! A tiny dab of silicon spray spread all about will make fish eyes all over.

Well minus the heat part - but heat really helps with metallic paints!

Process for items with Paint on them already OEM finish etc.:
  • Wipe with prep-sol (removes oils, silicones, grease etc).
  • Wash with detergent in hot water. Further break down any oils. Dry part(s)
  • Scuff with green scotch brite pad
  • Blow off
  • Wipe with prep-sol
  • Heat in oven. Metal only up to 200F, lower if other materials are attached
  • Allow to cool slightly
  • Spray base color coat - return to oven
  • Spray - return to oven
  • Spray - return to oven
  • Cook for at least an hour
  • Spray enamel top coat - return to oven
  • Repeat as needed based upon wear and sun exposure potential.
  • Return to oven to cure for a couple hours at 150F
  • Done!
alright guys thanks think i got all the answers i needed to get this done and looking good :rockon:

Will post pictures when its finished might get to it tomorrow or saturday.