Passed BRC!

I'm sure your coach had mentioned this during his or her wrap up, but work your way from parking lots to neighborood streets then onto busier streets. When you feel comfortable, go on the freeway during off peak hours, like early Sunday morning.

It is best to ride with an exprerienced riders to help you along your new journey, not as an instructor, but as a guide. I usually direct a lot of new riders to the local forum I belong to here in Vegas, they pretty much take over from here. The seasoned members will guide you, emphasize riding gear and they go on weekly group rides, usually through Red Rock. Sign up and introduce yourself. There are a bunch of riders there who were just in the same situation as yourself so they know exactly what you are thinking!

I registered there, I'll check them out when I can for a group ride :)
You might try tilting the mirrors up or down, they helped me get past the mirrors pointed at shoulder issue. It might also be how you are trying to adjust them while you are just sitting still.