Pay it forward.

The Toecutter

Hero for Hire
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Dec 17, 2008
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I thought with the economy being so bad worldwide,and tempers flaired at our fellow man.I thought about how we can make a difference in each others lives by simple acts of i thought a thread about how you helped someone expecting nothing in return just might start a ripple of Hope for us as fellow human there are no rules..when you see someone you could help in the simplelest of ways do so and post it here as an example for others to the office weirdo nobody him a coke..or the old lady in front of the convinence store with her hood up who needs a jumpstart..or the guy with the sign at the intersection asking for know he's gonna spend it on beer and ciggarettes ,but so were you!!:D [ame][/ame]
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I give out envelopes with $20 bills in them to people shopping in thrift stores, with a note that just says "Pay it forward." Dead serious... 10% of each of my (low) checks goes to this. :thumbup:
Well today I helped a man find a job by refering him too someone I know and telling him to use me as a reference...I had never met him before he came to my shop asking for a job as a porter.. I could have just told him we were'nt hiring and sent him back out too search,but I just could'nt let him walk away knowing I might be able to I did what I could for him..took maybe 20 seconds...might help him and his family for years....:D
I give out envelopes with $20 bills in them to people shopping in thrift stores, with a note that just says "Pay it forward." Dead serious... 10% of each of my (low) checks goes to this. :thumbup:
That's Awesome...and I bet your life is blessed....:thumbup::D
Last month, I was filling up my Fizzer and a guy came up to me and asked for some money to put fuel in his car. I said as long as the money is used for fuel, I didn't mind, so I dished out a few bucks for him so that he could get wherever he needed to go.

But later down the road, I started to think deeper. If he didn't have money for fuel, he probably didn't have insurance. Hate to think that I could be responsible for putting another uninsured motorist on the road.

Next time, I might be a real stickler and ask to see proof of insurance before I put fuel into somebody's tank.
Last month, I was filling up my Fizzer and a guy came up to me and asked for some money to put fuel in his car. I said as long as the money is used for fuel, I didn't mind, so I dished out a few bucks for him so that he could get wherever he needed to go.

But later down the road, I started to think deeper. If he didn't have money for fuel, he probably didn't have insurance. Hate to think that I could be responsible for putting another uninsured motorist on the road.

Next time, I might be a real stickler and ask to see proof of insurance before I put fuel into somebody's tank.
No my freind,we all have free will..the man asked you for were charitable and gave it too him what he does with it after it leaves your hands is on him...your good karma will be owed to you....:D
I give out envelopes with $20 bills in them to people shopping in thrift stores, with a note that just says "Pay it forward." Dead serious... 10% of each of my (low) checks goes to this. :thumbup:

**** man... wanna hang out sometime? haha
Teach your children well....[ame=]YouTube - Crosby Stills & Nash - Teach Your Children[/ame] [ame][/ame]
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I try to do good things as much as possible, even if it is just talking with someone. I saw a lady the other day at Target putting a bag of dogfood in her car. She was older and it had caught on the trunk latch and ripped, spilling out, and she couldn't get enough muscle to get it the rest of the way in so it was hanging half out spilling everywhere. I ran over, helped her, went to my car, got my trusty kit and duct taped the bag shut for her. She said her son will help her when she got home, so I left with a good feeling inside. I'm not religious, you don't have to be to do what's right.
I try to do good things as much as possible, even if it is just talking with someone. I saw a lady the other day at Target putting a bag of dogfood in her car. She was older and it had caught on the trunk latch and ripped, spilling out, and she couldn't get enough muscle to get it the rest of the way in so it was hanging half out spilling everywhere. I ran over, helped her, went to my car, got my trusty kit and duct taped the bag shut for her. She said her son will help her when she got home, so I left with a good feeling inside. I'm not religious, you don't have to be to do what's right.
I'm not religious either....but I do beleive in God...I just don't beleive in religion.....I know for a fact when I do good things my life goes smoothly,and is filled with's as simple as what you plant is what grows in your garden...:D
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It actually feels really good. I look for people who really seem like they need it. I know there are times when I wonder how I can make it through the day, and I can't imagine how I'd feel if someone did that for me.

I just graduated from college and don't make much money, but I give up my 10% that the bible says we are supposed to. And hopefully, the memory of the note will stay long after the $20 is gone.
I like the idea of giving 10% to a person and not the church instead...

I don't mean to start an argument, I just think that it goes to better use that way.
It actually feels really good. I look for people who really seem like they need it. I know there are times when I wonder how I can make it through the day, and I can't imagine how I'd feel if someone did that for me.

I just graduated from college and don't make much money, but I give up my 10% that the bible says we are supposed to. And hopefully, the memory of the note will stay long after the $20 is gone.

I'm sure the memory of it lasts, they will talk about it years from now, I am sure of it. Amazing how doing something for someone else makes you feel.
I like the idea of giving 10% to a person and not the church instead...

Mainly, for me, because I don't have a church home here. However, I believe that as long as the 10% gets to those who truly need it, it doesn't matter what method you use to give it up.
Mainly, for me, because I don't have a church home here. However, I believe that as long as the 10% gets to those who truly need it, it doesn't matter what method you use to give it up.

Right on! The whole point is giving to those in need, right? Well there ya go!
:stupidpc: my internet is down at home.....I will try to get it fixed today but if I can't,I hope this thread will stay alive until In get it going again.:thumbup::D
Right about now I wish more people thought like this. A few weeks ago, I was lifting a 50-pound bag of dog food into my car, looking very obviously pregnant, and at least 4 people walked by without so much as offering a hand. One guy stared and laughed as I struggled to get the thing out of the cart and into my trunk. Not that I am looking for handouts, but a little courtesy would be nice. IE, I can hold my own doors, I would rather you help me with something that I am obviously struggling with.....

That being said, i try to help out whenever I can, which right now unfortunately is not much....but even $1 to a bake sale, or supporting a car wash held by high school kids....anything to make someone's life a little easier/better/happier.
EXATACTLY!!!! I'm not religious either....but I do beleive in God...I just don't beleive in religion.....I know for a fact when I do good things my life goes smoothly,and is filled with's as simple as what you plant is what grows in your garden...:D

The religion discussion....oh goes!

I am perplexed when I hear the statement that says "I believe in God but don't believe in religion"...

The garden variety defining of religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

Yet the act of doing good or engaging in righteousness is a manifestation of sincere religious piety. It seems like indeed you are practicing religion by doing that which is good and subsequently pleasing to God.

"Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous"

That is truly good.

Every year I give a coat, gloves, beanie, and warm socks to child in my classroom that needs it (I teach 3rd grade).
Without fail, there is always one child that goes out to recess in the winter and comes back sopping wet and frozen. I try to do it around Christmas, but sometimes winter comes early.

Great thread idea BTW. It's nice to see that humanity has not lost its compassion.