Pay it forward.

I helped a guy push his lifted chevy impala with 30"+ rims out of the street, it was smoking and leaking oil everywhere, I think he threw a rod or something... No one wanted to help him, he was in the middle of an intersection trying to push it by himself and everyone was honking at him and yelling for him to move. So I popped my bike up on the sidewalk and rode down the street to get closer, parked it and helped him push his car out of the way.. He pulled out a bank roll and offered me a $20 as a thanks but I said no its cool..
I helped a guy push his lifted chevy impala with 30"+ rims out of the street, it was smoking and leaking oil everywhere, I think he threw a rod or something... No one wanted to help him, he was in the middle of an intersection trying to push it by himself and everyone was honking at him and yelling for him to move. So I popped my bike up on the sidewalk and rode down the street to get closer, parked it and helped him push his car out of the way.. He pulled out a bank roll and offered me a $20 as a thanks but I said no its cool..
Oh WOW!! what you did was very cool!!!:thumbup::D this is the perfect example of Paying it forward.there may come a day when you need help like that,and just maybe you will get it.:rockon:
The other day, a guy I never met before asked me if he could crash at my house on Saturday night, because he did not know where to sleep... I said no problem!

Nate (DefyInertia), what time will you be there dude???

The other day, a guy I never met before asked me if he could crash at my house on Saturday night, because he did not know where to sleep... I said no problem!

Nate (DefyInertia), what time will you be there dude???

WOAH!!!!!! scared me for a minute there......LOL till I read it all...:D:rockon:
This is a good show for inspiration and a laugh!!!!! [ame=]YouTube - My Name Is Earl! Season 1 Trailer![/ame] :cheer::thumbup::D:rockon:
No good will for 3yrs....:eek:

One time I was coming home from work and saw 2 cruisers parked in a wide spot along the road but only one person. I pulled in behind them (in my car) put my hazards on and went to see if there was a problem. I was greeted by an older lady in chaps/vest who told me her husband rode pillion with a 3rd member of their group to his house to pick up a truck n trailer to haul 1 of the MCs home. After hearing her story I didn't feel right just leaving the scene till her husband returned. I waited there till he got back and helped load the wounded bike. As we parted one of them said "you don't see many car driver that'll stop for a motorcyclist in need" I quickly replied with "my other car only has 2 wheels"

I stop for anyone with a hood or trunk (digging for a spare) open. Every MC that looks like they need help. Just because I don't want the day to come that I'm broken and in need only to have nobody stop.
Age old philosophy - do unto others.

And I see good will toward your fellow man not specifically because of religion or ones belief in some mystical deity.

I will always help if I can. Not because some book tells me to, or I fear the wrath of this mystical deity - just because it's the right thing to do, and if the roles were reversed, and I was the one in need, I would hope that I would be helped.

I don't believe in rainbow unicorns, nor do I believe in karma - I just believe in doing the right thing, as judged as whether I would like it in that particular situation.

If I'm ever offered recompense for an act of kindness, I just tell the person "Thank you, but if an act of kindness is paid for, it no longer is an act of kindness (or whatever) it becomes paid work.

My thought is the next time that person sees someone in need of help, they might remember my helping them and be a little more forthcoming with whatever assistance they could provide.

Having said that, I am well aware of the way the world is, so understand why someone may not feel comfortable helping in a lot of situations. (my wife stopping for a car broken down on a deserted road, for example)

As for people asking for money for food or petrol. I would prefer to buy the person a meal, or fill their tank than giving them money.

I'm fully aware I'll be damned to an eternity of firey torment because of my non-religious views, but cest la vie.

I live my life by a code, and don't need a contrived book of fiction to illustrate to me the right way to live my life.


P.S. To those interested, the church, which favours poverty and humility and asks you to tithe your hardearned is by many orders of magnitude, the weathiest organization in the world.
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Last week I carried an elderly ladies shopping to her car in the rain.

Yesterday after an exhausting day at work, I stopped to help two children and two adults involved in nasty car accident.
Professionally I am obliged to do this. Morally it should not have to be written down. It's what we should all do.

Today the guy delivering heating oil to the house was looking at the child seat on my cycle. I asked him if he was looking to get one. He said he had a two year-old daughter and was hoping to start taking her out for rides.
My children are just about to big for it, so I took it off and gave it to him.

I no longer have any religious beliefs but I do believe in people. What saddens me is that in this day and age we need a thread to remind us that the majority of people are decent regardless of their religious / moral standing. Hundreds and thousands of people do the right thing on a daily basis. It just doesn't make the headlines.
I just organized and ran a charity event, start to finish, from scratch. For a teacher at school who's son passed leaving behind a 2 year old grandson. I got approval from the board and got sponsored by Subway Sandwiches. I delegated work and got my class to sell almost 450 vouchers in 2 weeks. We generated almost almost 600$ profit - all on a whim.

It was the first time I'd actually done a really good deed, and it actually felt really good. I was never one to do something of this nature but something in recent events lead me here and I like it a lot.

It feels really great to pay it forward. It really does.
I am currently raising donations for diabetes, and will be riding in the Knoxville Tour De Cure in June. Already feels good to be helping out, and I haven't even done the ride yet!

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Tuesday I stopped and helped a Family push their BMW out of the ditch the driver turned to far to the right entering the road.... I was in my best clothes!! :BLAA:
Stopped at a light this morning I got the attention of a cager to my right to tell him his door was not fully closed. Wouldn't want him to catch a chill. :)
A friend of mine a while back was behind on her child support....I got her current on it to help her get back on her feet ($1k +). I am currently helping another friend with things to help them out.....buying them smokes, helping out with gas money (since my FZ6 is my daily driver now...don't own a car...just giving them what I would be spending anyway) and last week paid their insurance for their vehicle for the month and am also providing $50 a month to them for their pay as you go cell phone. And I also provide smokes and gas money to my room mate (who by the way is living in my house 100% rent free with her 2 kids and not even helping with utilities....only providing groceries) when needed. Granted....they're not strangers to me but people I know and people I call friends.....but I still help them out without a second thought or expecting anything in return. It just makes me feel good helping someone out.

I no longer have any religious beliefs but I do believe in people. What saddens me is that in this day and age we need a thread to remind us that the majority of people are decent regardless of their religious / moral standing. Hundreds and thousands of people do the right thing on a daily basis. It just doesn't make the headlines.

I'm way late to this thread, but the line above really resonated with me. As I've grown older, I've shed many of the beliefs that were socialized into me, including some of my religious faith. I go back and fourth between not being religious and being "spiritual", but at the end of the day, no matter what I feel there, I still know right from wrong and I still believe in my fellow man (I mean that in a gender-neutral way). There are so many people who do so much good, in big ways and small every day.

Today I went to Lowe's for something small and in the parking lot offered to help a fellow who was struggling a bit to load some fencing into his pickup (it was raining). He declined the offer but I'm sure he appreciated the gesture.

You don't have to be religious or even believe in a creator of the universe to do the right thing and be generous to fellow humans. But, if you truly do not believe there is a God and there is no afterlife, you believe there is nothing after you die then everything we do in this life is a bit pointless, isn't it? If everything we do is just to make ourselves feel good whether it's enjoying ourselves or helping someone so that we can feel good about ourselves, it's all meaningless without a creator, without something more than this world, without a purpose for being here.
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