Pazzo Group Buy (read thread before voting)

Are you FOR SURE in for a set of PAZZO's? $135 SHIPPED U.S.


    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • Possibly

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
What if we don't get 15 people? Will he make us pay the full price?

Well, my receipt says $134.99, so if i get charged $179 it'll be problems.. hehe, naa i woudlnt worry about that, i think we are already up to 9 or so, and its only been 4 hours. i also posted this on SBN
US $179.99 regularly (plus any shipping)
group buy $134.99 shipped... like $45, plus any shipping you would have spent on the regular price
Like 25%

Their website said free shipping for any orders over $100.00, otherwise the shipping is $10.00 for orders less than $100. So what's the $5 shipping fee???

Good, better, and best news...

So here is the deal, 95% worked out,

Pazzo's in 48 states $130 + $5 shipping= $135

*This deal seems $100% legit, the company seems 100% legit, but since i HAVE to say this to save my butt, i cant be held responsible for any problems you may have, yada yada. IOW, dont blame me, im just the middle man!

Call me paranoid, but I'm very cautious when we are dealing with a very small company or a fly by night company. These people have been open less than a year, and it appears that they work out of a home. No actual retail store or address. I wouldn't go too far saying that this company is 100% legit. Is there anyway to do a bit more research on this company? Some other member may have the knowledge to verify it's existance and history. I tried calling them but got a recording.

You always have to be aware that you are not purchasing "knock offs" or bootleg product.

I'm still in, I'm willing to risk $135.00. No different then losing at the casino's around here.
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Their website said free shipping for any orders over $100.00, otherwise the shipping is $10.00 for orders less than $100. So what's the $5 shipping fee???

Call me paranoid, but I'm very cautious when we are dealing with a very small company or a fly by night company. These people have been open less than a year, and it appears that they work out of a home. No actual retail store or address. I wouldn't go too far saying that this company is 100% legit. Is there anyway to do a bit more research on this company? Some other member may have the knowledge to verify it's existance and history. I tried calling them but got a recording.

I'm still in, I'm willing to risk $135.00. No different then losing at the casino's around here.

i said they seem 100% legit. They seem like they have a real nice website, dont seem like they woudl put that much time into a website for a company thats gonna rip you off. If anyone was gonna rip you off, it would be someone on Ebay or even classifieds on the forum for that matter, they have nothing to lose. Just because a company is starting off doesnt mean they are out to get you, alot of companies work out of their house, why spend all the money for a shop if you dont need to? I think you are being paranoid hehe ;) i thought the same thing at first tho, but from talking to doug over emails, it seems totally legit
Is there any where to look at really big clear pics of the levers so I can have a little help CHOOSING MY COLOR COMBO!

Also, who all is getting SHORT CLUTCH and LONG BRAKE?
I just got an email from the company saying "someone snitched" and they can't go through with the group buy. I told him to cancel my order because I don't want to pay full price.
Yeah I have a feeling this is his way of backing out of the deal, but who knows. I don't want to pass judgement because I've never done business with that company before.

Guess I'll be buying ASV's afterall.
Ok i got an email also, i guess this is falling through. I hope this was not a publicity stunt as this guy just got himself an angry mob after him rather than gaining buisness.

Everyone cancel all orders with this company, the deal has fallen through and he said he can only do it for $179 now, whatever the reason is, we are not getting the deal now, if you get an email saying the price has changed, cancel the order.
here is an email i sent to him this morning.


Sorry this fell through, I tried to keep it low profile by only using PM's, I also checked members who I was sending it to in order to make sure they were a contributing member and not a rival company.

I hope this was not in any way a publicity stunt, or a way of getting us to come to your company, as I think it may of backfired on you, you seem to have an angry mob now.

Please let me know exactly what happened so i can relay it back to the other members.


Sucks that the deal fell thru.

I was initially gonna suggest to Jay/YamahaMAXdRPMs that he just collect the money (paypal) from all the buyers & when he has 15 orders, place the order. This way he can control access to the "sensitive" information etc

Anyway as others mentioned, it might have been intentional by the Co etc.

Guess stock levers will remain for now ;-)

Thanks for trying
Sorry to hear the members deal fell through, the $135 price was tempting...

To everyone, I would just say I understand your disappointment but I don't think this vendor was scamming, I think he just got caught.

I'm sure this is not the first time someone has tried this and if Pazzo's isn't smart enough to catch group buys, well?

Maybe we aught to be more direct and write Pazzo and say we like your levers but they are too expensive, if the price was $X I would buy! Then they need to think about it!
Just a general observation about pricing, regardless of who you shop with certain items are always the same price. Pazzos are an excellent example. AlpineStar boots are another. Seems to be a bit of price fixing vs. the free market. Now on the other hand, the cost of leathers are all over the place. Even big corporations such as McDonalds allow the various shops to charge different prices based on their business model/market.

Too bad this didn't work out as $135 would have been an outstanding price.

Thanks for trying to get this to go Max and doing the leg work, it can be a real PITA to coordinate a group buy, well done! :thumbup: