Photography Thread !!!

My wife Lisa a neighbor and I went to the Glider Port in La Jolla (Pronounced "La Hoya") Ca. to hang out with my niece's husband Tim Green, one of the AcroTwinz.

My neighbor worked as a paralegal for a major corporation. One day she had a stroke and was paralyzed on the left side and she lost some of her peripheral vision on her left side. The things that had to be done to save her were pretty intense as well as her recovery to today's state. It's been a long hard trip for this woman who is only 43 yrs old now. We had a great day at the glider port where Tim asked her if she wanted to go for a flight. She said yes and it was a total joy for her to do the flight. She used to be very active hiking, running and biking. before life took a hard turn. This was a great moment for her and us as we watched her sail away.

What a great experience to think you're going to just go hang out a watch pilots and take some pics and then get this other awesome gift! Because she has limited movement on her left side, Tim and other pilots figure out a way to safely get her off the ground and back down again. If you ever don't see me riding anymore come here to find me in the sky! :) Blah

The first picture is of Tim and my neighbor.

Special thanks and gratitude to Tim Green, an awesome pilot, doing such a great deed and taking her for a flight!




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I've been wanting this lens for several years now, kept checking the local classifieds, saw one a couple days ago for just less than half the price of a new one. Turns out one of the local used auto emporiums wanted to improve their website, bought some top-of-the-line Nikon equipment and set it on one employee's desk. After the photos showed no improvement (heh, a 2" x 3" pic on a computer monitor) they told her to sell everything and they're hiring a "professional photographer". She definitely took good care of it, it's immaculate although missing the lens shade. She had to have cash, and we met at my credit union so a teller could verify the new, crisp Benjamin's were authentic (apparently they got burned once before, no problem).
I'm not so much into street photography, but this is an ideal lens for it and the Ogden Farmer's Market starts at 0800 tomorrow morning...
From last night - Forest Fires in the area making some colors....

Tried to capture the moon... lol
Okay, I'm experimenting with Photobucket's "slide show" feature, trying to get rid of the first 3 shots and haven'd figured it out yet.

Library Slideshow by Botch | Photobucket

Library Slideshow by Botch | Photobucket

Took some shots from the Farmer's Market/art sales/street musicians/weird stuff on 25th Street this morning. Some things about street photography:
1. I can patiently wait in a blind for 4 hours for a bird shot, but have NO patience for people who won't get out of the d*** way. :angry-banghead:
2. Without a tripod, I suck at keeping my horizons level
3. Without a tripod, I suck at keeping extraneous things (baby carriages, people's heads, butts, shadows) out of the frame
4. I need to keep better track of my ISO vs my aperture, at f1.4 I had overexposed a few shots
5. Sure am happy I was capturing electrons and not exposing film, it's fun to keep shooting and not worry about the cost (I did tip the street musicians if I took their photo, only fair)
Not totally my thing, but its good to try new things and also gives you a look at my hometown; enjoy!