Pretty upsetting...


Apr 29, 2014
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Boston, MA
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Owned my bike for less than a week, rode for 20 minutes at most on the real streets.

So I bought these new riding gloves the other day. Prety f***ing excited. I get off of drill and thought to myself, "I'm going home and riding the f*** out of my bike and go to target to buy some more supplies when we go out in the field Blah. So I get home, still in my ACU's, grab my helmet and go with my BRAND NEW GLOVES that I never rode with, ever. I say it shouldn't be a big difference. As I am leaving my driveway, the gloves in my opinion gripped onto the throttle too hard, as I am trying to do a left turn out of my driveway, BANG I slip and I fall.. hit the road and then into the dirt. I was like F***ing b**** motherf***er, I was pretty upset. So I got up, lifted my 400 lb bike up, and checked it out. Busted 1/4 of my headlight, scraped up the side a little, my frame sliders are pretty ****ed up on the left side, but she still runs! Someone came along within 5 minutes of me falling and helps me push the bike back onto the rode. Took her to target after that and bought the stuff I needed. :thumbup:

I have pictures that I put on my computer that I plan on uploading onto this thread when I feel like it because thinking of it now makes me kinda angry. I pushed a piece of my fairing back together after it came out. But overall my bike isn't too bad, she still ran and I took her down a straightway to hit 80, felt pretty f***ing good but I was still un-happy she fell. I feel like she sounds funny after the fall when she's idling but that might just be me being paranoid.

Well I just thought i'd come on here and vent. I haven't looked yet but I know my legs pretty scraped up, I feel it though my pants. Any thoughts? :confused::(











^ that is my helmet


EDIT: F**K MY GLOVES, also do you guys know if my insurance will cover me? ;]
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First, accidents happen. I bet nearly everyone on this Forum has some drop story or low speed fall. Mine was a couple of years ago when I got off of it and left idling for a moment on my 6% sloped driveway. About 30 seconds after I walked away the slope, vibration and 9.8 m^2 allowed the the kickstand to fold and the bike to fall over. I had a few scrapes on various parts and a broken clutch lever - $hit happens. I ran over and picked it up as fast I could and was a little distraught for a couple of days. I replaced the levers with some adjustable shorties and the bar ends this year with my new FZ1 bars that I am currently working on. My point is it sounds like you will heal ok and the bike can be repaired as needed. You have to chalk it up to a learning experience and it will just make you that more aware of situations. :thumbup:
That's good to know someone feels the same way as me or has once felt that way :rolleyes:. But it sucks your bike tipped over. Sorry. As for changing out parts, would you happen to know how much one headlight and a piece of the top fairing would cost?
Sux. Glad you weren't seriously hurt. Thanks for sharing your experience.

If you have "collision" coverage with your insurance policy it should cover the damage to your bike, minus the deductible amount. I suggest estimating the cost of repairs yourself before calling your insurer for fear of driving up your rates with a claim.

I've pulled on the throttle unexpectedly a few times over the years, as I'm sure many riders have. Getting that right hand coordinated between brake and throttle comes with practice and experience. Keep a looser grip on the throttle, and cover the clutch as a precaution are about all I can suggest. Maybe adjust the brake lever so it is more in line with the plane of your arm and back of hand for better ergonomics. (I'll update this post with a link to a picture of this when I can find it.)

EDIT: Here's a pic FinalImpact posted re the lever ergos. Just loosen slightly, the two hex bolts that face you on the brake lever bracket, or the single bolt on the clutch lever, to rotate the levers a bit, then re-tighten. Much more comfy if you aren't arching your hand.
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Sux. Glad you weren't seriously hurt. Thanks for sharing your experience.

If you have "collision" coverage with your insurance policy it should cover the damage to your bike, minus the deductible amount. I suggest estimating the cost of repairs yourself before calling your insurer for fear of driving up your rates with a claim.

I've pulled on the throttle unexpectedly a few times over the years, as I'm sure many riders have. Getting that right hand coordinated between brake and throttle comes with practice and experience. Keep a looser grip on the throttle, and cover the clutch as a precaution are about all I can suggest. Maybe adjust the brake lever so it is more in line with the plane of your arm and back of hand for better ergonomics. (I'll update this post with a link to a picture of this when I can find it.)

Yeah, **** sucks man lol. I really do blame the gloves, not because I fell or because I am a "newb" rider, I really feel that the gloves gripped onto the throttl :spank: but then again I should of tried to learn to ride with the gloves before taking it onto the road.
Take a deep breath. You're okay and the bike will be okay and everyone drops their bike. :)
Yeah, **** sucks man lol. I really do blame the gloves, not because I fell or because I am a "newb" rider, I really feel that the gloves gripped onto the throttl :spank: but then again I should of tried to learn to ride with the gloves before taking it onto the road.

I'm not trying to be a d*** or anything, but how do gloves grab and twist by themselves? I can understand being a little more sticky than the old ones but the twisting part doesn't seem possible to me without human input.

It sucks that it happened, but ultimately either you're in control or you're not.

My $0.02.

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I'm not trying to be a d*** or anything, but how do gloves grab and twist by themselves? I can understand being a little more sticky than the old ones but the twisting part doesn't seem possible to me without human input.

It sucks that it happened, but ultimately either you're in control or you're not.

My $0.02.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah no I understand what you're saying. I never had gloves to begin with, those were my first set of gloves, I just wasn't used to them I guess. I took them my right glove off after I fell, and I rode fine.
As far as replacement parts costs go, check the micro-fiche at sites like or to track down what you might need. 2007-2009 bikes, the "S2" model, are the same. E.g., 2007 FZ6 - FZS6W Yamaha Motorcycle Parts

Also keep an eye on the for sale threads for parts that come available.

Your frame slider probably isn't Yamaha. Search the forum for options there. Definitely use a torque wrench on these so you don't strip the soft aluminum engine and frame parts.

Some things you may just want to leave be -- battle scars -- until it comes time to sell.
That really sucks!

The important thing is that you don't loose your confidence. Good thing you had frame sliders. As far as your gloves go I can kinda see what your saying about them grabbing but you were wearing the gloves and you were in control of the gloves. I'm pretty sure you remember every little detail about the fall so use that to analyze what went wrong and how could of you saved it. Frame sliders aren't that expensive and now you have a reason to buy some shorty shifters and some new grips and bar ends. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Welcome to the hall of shame. We actually have a dedicated forum for this type of thing. If you took the MSF class you had to wear gloves so riding with them should have not felt foreign to you. So how did the gloves fair during the fall?
Look on the bright side, if a chick notices you can tell her you went down but that just made the trill of riding more intense. :thumbup: Blah
Welcome to the hall of shame. We actually have a dedicated forum for this type of thing. If you took the MSF class you had to wear gloves so riding with them should have not felt foreign to you. So how did the gloves fair during the fall?

The gloves I had at training wheels were "inserts" and weren't padded like they are on "real" riding gloves.

Look on the bright side, if a chick notices you can tell her you went down but that just made the trill of riding more intense. :thumbup: Blah

Haha if only a cute chick helped me push it out of the dirt, would of definitely put in some work there. :thumbup::thumbup:;)
Haha if only a cute chick helped me push it out of the dirt, would of definitely put in some work there. :thumbup::thumbup:;)

Gotta spit game when you can. I'm still trying to figure out how I can turn my scraped up fizzer in a game-improver. :D
The gloves I had at training wheels were "inserts" and weren't padded like they are on "real" riding gloves.

Haha if only a cute chick helped me push it out of the dirt, would of definitely put in some work there. :thumbup::thumbup:;)

Hall of shame for you! If anyone has to help you get it up, you need to fix that ;) jk.

First day I bought my fz6 I pulled in the yard with people watching yelling how awesome I was through my helmet, as i got off I forgot to put the kickstand down, fell over :D
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Gotta spit game when you can. I'm still trying to figure out how I can turn my scraped up fizzer in a game-improver. :D

Lol, for me if a girl asked when I was going to take her for a ride, she'd be waiting on months.

Hall of shame for you! If anyone has to help you get it up, you need to fix that ;) jk.

First day I bought my fz6 I pulled in the yard with people watching yelling how awesome I was through my helmet, as i got off I forgot to put the kickstand down, fell over :D

That's embarrassing lol. I just had people driving by me as my road is somewhat a busy road. Had my helmet on though so no one could see me face :thumbup:
Glad your alright, frame sliders are a wonderful thing and the damage looks pretty minimal.

I've found new gloves take some getting used to, especially if they have to limber up a little.
Glad your alright, frame sliders are a wonderful thing and the damage looks pretty minimal.

I've found new gloves take some getting used to, especially if they have to limber up a little.

Thank you! Someone who sees that gloves are a b****!
Sorry about your mishap. Although this type of thing has happened to all of us, after having read your previous posts, I think you need to take this as a warning that your not yet ready for the road. Get out and enjoy and learn about your bike and skills in open parking areas where you will be safe. The road will always be there, we just want you to be too. ;)
Hall of shame for you! If anyone has to help you get it up, you need to fix that ;) jk.

First day I bought my fz6 I pulled in the yard with people watching yelling how awesome I was through my helmet, as i got off I forgot to put the kickstand down, fell over :D

Best. Story. Here. Hahaha

I quit keeping track of how many times I've dropped my bike. It's always because of some dumb unexpected little thing. The last time it was when I rolled her forward to check the tire pressure before a ride and didn't notice the kickstand went up.

I hear what you're saying about new gear though, it can take some time getting used to it on the road.