Pround new FZ6 owner! (Ninja 250 vs FZ6 Review/pics)


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Mar 19, 2011
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Proud new FZ6 owner! (Ninja 250 vs FZ6 Review/pics)

I know some of you guys were looking for some pics from the other thread, I made earlier in the week. So I decided to create a new thread with pics along with an early first impression comparison from my old 2010 Ninja 250 that I traded in for my 2009 FZ6. Keep in mind this is based off of my own riding experience and the very few miles I put on my FZ6 for the first time today :)

So it's a cool 33 degrees farenheit here in upstate NY, I just got back from putting my first 10 miles on my brand new 2009 FZ6 leftover. I would have LOVED to go on all day but the cold wind burn was atrocious.

Power Delivery: AWESOME compared to the 250! This was one of the most exciting things I was looking forward to when throwing a leg over this bike. The power delivery was silky smooth and there was a lot of it compared to the 250. I was riding comfortably at the speed limit in 4th gear at around 4.5k-5k RPMs. On the 250 I would be 6th gear and 7k RPMs. The constant shifting was truly annoying on the 250. I barely pushed the FZ6 today due to the break in period, but I hear that this thing can really take off around 8k which I will be looking forward to :D I can't express how happy I am with being able to get up to speed comfortably without revving the piss out of the engine.

Egonomics: The comfort on FZ6 is amazing. The upright riding position, the seat, foot pegs, everything just made for a very comfortable ride. At 5'10, 230 I feel very relaxed. The 250 was a similar riding position but due to the size of the bike, I was much more cramped. The seat on the 250 made for a numb ass after riding for a couple hours. Only time will tell for the FZ6.

Handling: I have very little to say about the FZ6 in this category just because I barely cornered at all on my ride. The 250 was super fun in the twisties, I was able to flick it around very easily. I am looking forward to taking the FZ6 up to the mountains when the weather is warmer.

Appearance: Kawasaki made huge improvements when they redesigned the 250. It gave the bike a much more sporty appearance and I have no bad things to say about the design. I absolutely love the half-faired design of the fz6. When I was researching bikes I was very attracted to the naked look like on the ER-6n, Triumph Street Triple, and FZ8. The FZ8 and Triple were out of my price range and the ER-6n didn't quite have the power I was looking for. The fz6 meets perfectly in the middle with the half-faired design, making for a bad-ass look but with great wind protection.

That is all I can really elaborate on seeing as how I've only been on the bike for 10 miles on new tires and cold roads but I can safely assume that I am going to have a blast on this bike this summer and I am very VERY happy with my purchase! This is my second bike and right now I am givng the FZ6 a huge thumbs up! :thumbup:

Black may or may not be the fastest color but it sure is sexy! ;)


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Congratulations! I'm sure you're pretty excited, sucks that the weather isn't cooperating with you. :(
Nice pics too, I really dig the black and white one. :thumbup:
Nice one,
I enjoyed reading your first impression. It remind me of how I felt after stepping off an ER-5 on to the FZ6. I hope you have many miles of trouble free riding.


PS second pic would be a great BOTM entry if the right hand mirror wasn't cropped.
Thanks guys! I might have to submit some pictures for BOTM in the future. I enjoy photography/photoshop as a hobby. When the scenery is nicer, I plan on editing a video of the bike and I will be sure to post it up.
Congratulations, love the 2nd photo. I have some great memories of when I moved from a Ninja 250 the the FZ6. Mine was used so didn't have to work about break in. First time I really twisted on it almost went off the back as I wasn't ready for the sudden almost burst of power. Another time I was at 20 MPH and just slammed the throttle wide open - I eased off rather than chopped the throttle when the front wheel was 2 or more feet off the ground.
thanks for the replies guys, it's awesome to be a part of the fz6 community.

I just purchases my first official "mod." I bought some T-Rex frame sliders. I've heard some pretty good things from others on the forum, just have to be careful when torquing the bolt from stripping the threads.

Anyone else have good experience with T-Rex?
Congratulation on your bike...Thanks for that review, and I look forward to more after you get some time in the seat...

That black looks very good on the 09...

How long, and how many miles did you have the 250???
Re: Proud new FZ6 owner! (Ninja 250 vs FZ6 Review/pics)

Black may or may not be the fastest color but it sure is sexy! ;)


Congrats on your new bike, best color.
There are some NY/NJ people in here and we are planing a ride/BBQ for 2011. Hope you join us.
Congrats! Very similar situation to yours...I bought a carryover 2009 FZ6 (also in the very sexy black) and am due to pick it up at the dealership next weekend here in MN. I am moving up from a 2009 Ninja 500 and, like you, was looking for a cool looking naked bike that had more leg room and a little more power. Hope you enjoy it! :thumbup:
Congrats, sorry to see that snow! We have flowers and trees leafing out in Virginia!

I've had my FZ6 since the first month of 2007 and I still love the bike and have not even thought about upgrading! It does everything you need, has plenty of power, gets good fuel economy considering it's power, is doable on long touring trips due to it's cargo carrying potential, easy to work on, very reliable... I made the right choice on my first real bike. You have too! :thumbup:
Congratulations, love the 2nd photo. I have some great memories of when I moved from a Ninja 250 the the FZ6. Mine was used so didn't have to work about break in. First time I really twisted on it almost went off the back as I wasn't ready for the sudden almost burst of power. Another time I was at 20 MPH and just slammed the throttle wide open - I eased off rather than chopped the throttle when the front wheel was 2 or more feet off the ground.

Yeah, I had an impromptu drag with a friend - rolled it to 5k RPM and EASED out the clutch (warm engine, still running it in so I held the revs below the 6k) and Woops - front wheel up.

To the OP - I was on a ninja on lend for a few weeks too. Though it is a more forgiving ride and you could just throw it around, like you, I wouldn't trade back.
Hey excellent pictures....I have the same one, the close up pic is gorgeous!! Im stealing it! :rockon:
Re: Proud new FZ6 owner! (Ninja 250 vs FZ6 Review/pics)

I am a first time bike owner. I have been dreaming about purchasing a bike for quite some time. I always wanted a Ninja because I have ridden them before. Briefly as they were friends bikes. I have heard SO many great things about the FZ6 I had to check it out. The first time I sat on it I fell in LOVE with this bike. So I bought it. That was a week ago. Mine is blue and it is a beauty. I can't wait until I get some really good riding experience on it. I am DEF glad I went with this bike over the Ninja!
Re: Proud new FZ6 owner! (Ninja 250 vs FZ6 Review/pics)

My apologies for bring up this old thread, but I may be stepping up from a Ninja 250 to a new left-over 2009 FZ6 also. I think for the price it is the best bike around and I am glad I don't have to settle for the FZ6R, though that was my back-up plan.

How are you enjoying the FZ6 now? Any updates to report?
I don't have mine anymore but I will tell you it is easily one of the very best bikes you could by.