R.I.P to a friend/fellow rider


Manly Man Member
Feb 20, 2011
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I just found out not to long ago that my neighbor and good friend, Daniel Dimase, passed away while i was out of the country. He was a NYC police officer and was only 30 yrs old. He died suddenly from a major brain aneurysm. He rode a 2010 vulcan 900. We rode together around the city for a couple of years. His family left me his bike and i feel like i have an obligation to ride it everywhere. I'm goin to make his bike a type of memorial first and will figure out where i shall take her.
My heart goes out to you, and especially Dan's family. If you make it as far as So Cal, I'm saving a hug for you.
I'm very sorry to hear that Anthony, prayers go to you and Daniel and his family. If you want to get a ride together, I'll do my best to make it:thumbup:
I just found out not to long ago that my neighbor and good friend, Daniel Dimase, passed away while i was out of the country. He was a NYC police officer and was only 30 yrs old. He died suddenly from a major brain aneurysm. He rode a 2010 vulcan 900. We rode together around the city for a couple of years. His family left me his bike and i feel like i have an obligation to ride it everywhere. I'm goin to make his bike a type of memorial first and will figure out where i shall take her.

I am very sorry to hear that.

Maybe you should keep a scrap book of every ride you take on this bike. Keep postcards from long journeys on the bike and some day give them to your friend's kids/wife.

Sorry again about your loss.
Sorry about your loss. Talk about a bike with sentimental values. Awfully nice of his family to pass along his bike, and I'm sure your buddy would have wanted it that way. I'm sure he will still be riding right along with you in way or another.
Sorry for the loss. Good thoughts and prayers to you and his family.
condolences to you and his family

pretty special that thefamily left you his bike

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Life can be short and sometimes cruel, a real reminder to use to live life to the fullest and treasure those close.
I'm really sorry to hear this story and my thoughts go out to you all.

That's awful, Anthony. So sorry for your loss and I can't begin to imagine how tough it must be on his family.
My condolences my friend. These seem so senseless and they must always remind us all to live brave and meaningful lives.

If there is a memorial ride being planned let me know if I can help.
Anthony -
That's really sad news. Condolences to his family, you and everyone who knew him. I felt a similiar loss last year when I lost one of my riding buddies (Tony) to lung cancer. He was 49 so I could only imagine going at 30 is even more painful for all who knew him. If one morsel of positive news an anueyism meant he went fast so little to no suffering on his part.

One could only surmise that you really have to live each day like it could be your last. If you are putting off a goal or holding a grudge better to go and fix these things now and express love toward the people you love while you can.

I am very to hear about your loss