Ride For Dad 2011


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Aug 24, 2007
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Alberta, Canada (GMT-7)
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Anyone doing the Ride for Dad here in Edmonton? Shout out if you are! I'm in the registration building now.

Cheers and safe riding. :cheer:
Glad to hear the weather guessers up there were wrong, again!
Or are you riding in the rain?
Either way, hope you had fun :Sport:
Well the weather did cooperate today and it actually turned out to be a great day riding for raising money toward the cure for prostate cancer. Spent 400km on the bike, and I'm beat tired!

She's stuck in a mass of cruisers at the staging of the ride out.

What's an event without the motorcycle police

Some people have the strangest riding mates

Nice to see some FZ1's in the mass of bikes

Most excitement these ladies have seen all day

Definitely a nice day for a ride with some friends
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What a great looking day out mate , I would have loved to have been there with you :D the weather here today is crap at best :(

Sorry to hear that Dan. Would have been fun to have you out on the ride. Maybe next year I should try and organize an FZ6 group to participate. There's at least a dozen of us around here.

Nice pics, thanks, pleased that the weather held out for you :thumbup: great cause too.

Definitely a great cause and and good excuse to pass on the house chores to get in some riding.

Great pics and for a good cause too! Those FZ's always stand out in a crowd:thumbup:

It does stand out for sure. Too bad, like every year, my baby is the only one in the crowd. MB FZ's gota represent next go around.

One of the nice things about these rides is it takes you to little towns you've never been too before, and they can be quite nice.

If you ever thought why the FZ6, here's a good reason. I took on a full tank at the beginning of the ride. While everyone else had to take on fuel half way, I didn't need to fuel up until we got back into the city!

It is a combined fund raiser and a poker run for the riders. Many of the volunteers offering their time to validate the card draws at each town we stopped in.

I saw this chopper, thought of Shrevy. Definitely all kinds of bikes at this event.

Just the coordination to handle the over 1000+ bikes at each destination is a logistical nightmare. They even had a distraught father of the bride call into the organizers begging them to relocate the preplanned route past the church. We're not hooligan's, they complied.

All kinds of riders came out today for the cause.
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