Rider down...fz6joker


Kentucky Wildcat Fanatic
Feb 21, 2007
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Lexington, KY
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Guys, one of our former members, Daniel Pennington (fz6joker - Yamaha FZ6 Forums - International FZ6 Motorcycle Community Forum - View Profile: fz6joker), had a very bad crash on Saturday here in Kentucky. I wasn't on the ride but have ridden with Daniel many times and was even supposed to room with him at the Gap next month.

The details of what happened aren't completely clear, but the damage to Daniel is, and it's extensive. He was flown from the crash site to the University of Kentucky hospital where they found he'd not only broken his left arm badly (and has had a plate inserted into it), but he's also lost a kidney, his spleen, has a puncture wound that goes from front to back on his left side, broke a few ribs (one of which punctured his left lung), and shattered his pelvis.

He's a fantastic guy and his family could really use our help right now. He's doing fairly well for all the damage he's taken. His spirits are pretty good, but his mom and dad are out of work right now and are having to travel 2 to 2 1/2 hours one way between their home in Ashland, Kentucky to where Daniel's in the hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. His younger sister is still in school and they're having to take care of her at the same time.

Our local board, Kentucky-Sportbikes - The Front Page, is really pulling together and helping out with things his family needs, like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. But they're having to pay for lodging, gas, and meals when traveling back and forth from home to the hospital. It's not easy for them and I'm hoping the fine members here can help out a fellow former FZ6 owner and member of this forum.

Paige Huston, who many of you know as the better half of PJ's Parts - Accessories For Every Bike And Rider (I had to tease PJ a little! :D) has set up a donation site on ChipIn.com. She said they've used this site in the past to take donations for downed riders and it works great. You can donate using either your PayPal account or even with just a debit card. There are no fees and the site doesn't take any sort of cut (like PayPal would). I know times are tough on everyone right now, but if you could even chip in $5 it would make a world of difference for Daniel and his family.

ChipIn: Daniel Pennington

Daniel does have full-coverage insurance and medical, but he's still going to be on the hook for a good bit out-of-pocket when the bills come due. Anything we can do to help his family with their travel/lodging expenses would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you guys so much and please say a prayer that Daniel pulls through this and fully recovers. It's gonna be a long road, but he's tough and I know he'd appreciate you guys knowing what's going on. :thumbup:

*edit* I wanted to add the CaringBridge website for Daniel. This is a great way for you guys to keep up with how he's doing.

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Prayers are with him, I really hope gets better...

Thanks CCHOUSEKY for finding out this information and posting it on the forum.
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Ive never met him but that is a terrible thing to hear....thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family

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Wow i hope and pray he pulls through with a speedy recovery. That seems like a really bad accident :eek:

Was he the only one hurt in the accident?
That is horrible, I wish him a quick recovery. I bought my fz6 from a guy in Lexington btw.
Man, sorry to hear about this. I hope he recovers quickly and that him and his family pull through with minimal problems.

Great post, CCHOUSEKY.
Thanks, Geoff. Yeah, he's in pretty bad shape physically, but mentally he's pretty sharp and loves for us to stop by and see him whenever we can. I'll be heading back to the hospital either tonight or tomorrow night (I live in Lexington where UK is, so it's easy for me to get there).

And even if you all can't donate, feel free to post words of encouragement either here or PM Daniel. :thumbup:
Wow i hope and pray he pulls through with a speedy recovery. That seems like a really bad accident :eek:

Was he the only one hurt in the accident?

Yeah, he was the only one involved. At this point, from what we've been able to figure (no other riders were around him when he wrecked), he ran wide in a right-hander. He grazed the rear wheel of an oncoming SUV which sent him off the bike. The two kids in the SUV said all they saw was Daniel taking huge steps (he apparently came off the bike on his feet and was trying to run himself to a stop). The bike hit under the guardrail on the opposite side of the road and took out one of the supports before coming to a rest against the 2nd one. Daniel seems to have impacted the guardrail with his left arm between it and himself and then when over it and down an embankment.

Scary stuff!
My prayers are with him for a speedy recovery. Thank God he is still with us! Guard rails are great for cages...not so great for bikers...I'd rather take my chances rolling down a hillside than hitting concrete anchored galvanized steel.
Terrible news :(

Hope Daniel makes a full and speedy recovery! ($10 donated)
My thoughts and prayers go out to your buddy and his family. It sure sucks when someone goes down no matter who or where they are. Thanks,
Very unfortunate but we're all thankful to hear the Good news too. Please wish him and his family well and we'll pray for a speedy recovery.

Hang in there Dude! ;)
Terrible to hear this. :( Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family as well as a donation.
Thank you for posting this. You're a good Brother! :rockon:
Thanks everyone. You guys are awesome and the donations are going to be an immense help to his parents and being able to stay by his side.

I'll also recommend the Ronald McDonald house. I don't think anyone had thought of that before.

No need to thank me, although I do appreciate it. I'm just trying to be the messenger and help him and his family. It's great to know everyone here has each other's back as well (as if there was any doubt about that!).

I also wanted to say that I'll post a link in a bit when I'm on my laptop (and not my phone) so you all can send e-cards straight to the hospital. Apparently, they put each one in an envelope and deliver it to his room like mail. That will be a nice way for you guys to send Daniel greetings and well-wishes.

Thanks again everyone. You guys are amazing!
:Flash::Flash: One thing I know is this forum is made up of some very awesome members!:Flash::Flash: :rockon:
Let's keep this thing going and try to help this person and the family.