Rider down...fz6joker

I'm sure glad to hear the surgeries have gone well. Sure glad to see about 50 people have given to help out too! I like this group. Daniel and I haven't met yet but hope to someday. I had to wait until payday to chip in so got it done today. Hope it helps his family out and it sounds like it has already. This is what a "brotherhood" is and being neighborly. Daniel is in good hands with his family and the doctors, also all the well wishers here. I'm new to the FZ6 forum and this tragic event has made it known that even though Daniel's down he isn't out and he has a lot of support... A LOT of support! Hang in there dude. One of these days we'll be running the Gap together.

Please pass on my best wishes to Daniel. I have participated in a few of his threads in the past. He is a very decent bloke.
I will happily donate some $ when I get back to my pc.


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I'll be going by the hospital tonight with some others from our local forum, so I'll post a more in-depth update later on this evening. Again, thank you all for all your help! :thumbup:
Unfortunately I am not in the position to pitch in with money, but he has been in my thoughts constantly since I read about this. I've had many conversations with Daniel in the chatroom. Great guy. Can't send money, but I am sending my thoughts and prayers for him and his family.
I've been working like crazy for the last week or so and just read this. Daniel, my thoughts and prayers got to you and your family. I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.:thumbup:
Sad News Best wishes to him and his family and a speedy recovery from finland , get well soon !
Sorry for the delay in updating you guys on Daniel everyone, but I was out all day yesterday and didn't have a chance until now.

A few of us went by to see him on Friday night and he was VERY happy to have a bunch of visitors. He's still in a lot of pain, but he's completely done with the surgeries now (and very happy about that). He kinda drifts in and out from the pain meds, but he's awake the whole time and listening when we're there (a couple of times we thought he'd fallen asleep, but he surprised us by answering something when we didn't expect it :D). They've now started sitting him straight up on the edge of the bed, which he says is painful as hell but worth every second because he's extremely tired of laying flat on his back!

He also said they've started the process of getting him transferred to the hospital where he works in his hometown of Ashland, Kentucky. When we asked him when he might be moving there, he indicated it may still be a week or two before that happens, so I'll definitely get by UK hospital and see him again 2 or 3 times over the next week.

His left arm is pretty much immobilized at the moment and wrapped in a large ACE bandage. Even if he wanted to move it right now, I'm not sure he can or if they don't want him to (probably the latter). His pelvis has been repaired and will required a lot of rehab, and the sitting him upright is the first step in that process.

He's got a little bit of road rash on his right elbow/forearm, but he didn't even know it was there until I mentioned it. He was wearing full leathers, so it must've been the lining of the jacket that caused it (another reminder that you should wear a long sleeve shirt under your jacket).

All-in-all, he's doing ok. Like I said, he's still in a lot of pain, but his attitude is great and he's starting to heal slowly. None of us asked the question of whether he'd ride again (it's just too soon for that). I hope he does, but if he doesn't, I don't blame him one bit. A wreck like this may be enough to make me think twice about ever riding again.

I asked him if he'd had a chance to check in on this thread and he said he hadn't. I told him how amazing the response has been and he said he'd make sure to come over here when he's feeling up to it. So keep the well-wishes coming, everyone! :D

Again, thank you so much for your response to Daniel. He said he appreciates it so much! :thumbup:
Very nice of you for spreading the word, as well as Paige for setting up the ChipIn page. Nice to see there is $1600 already contributed, not a lot of money but when you're low on funds it definitely helps.

I wish Daniel the best of luck getting through this
Very nice of you for spreading the word, as well as Paige for setting up the ChipIn page. Nice to see there is $1600 already contributed, not a lot of money but when you're low on funds it definitely helps.

I wish Daniel the best of luck getting through this

Well 1600 is a lot if you consider its comming from sometimes absolute strangers.
I chipped in, only a small amount, but during recovery the small things tend to matter most..

Hope he recovers completely though :thumbup:
Well 1600 is a lot if you consider its comming from sometimes absolute strangers.
I chipped in, only a small amount, but during recovery the small things tend to matter most..

Hope he recovers completely though :thumbup:

Agree 100%
Sorry for the delay in updating you guys on Daniel everyone, but I was out all day yesterday and didn't have a chance until now.

Thank you for the update and taking the time to help organize getting the word out and donations flowing. Let Paige know we're grateful for the work they've done to get monies to Daniel.

Most of all: Daniel keep your head up brother! We've got you in our hearts, minds and prayers. :rockon:
I've got another update for you guys...

Yesterday, Daniel was moved from UK hospital in Lexington to a rehab hospital in his hometown of Ashland, KY. As it turns out, the rehab hospital is the same hospital where he works, so he'll now be among people he knows.

I wasn't able to get to UK to see him before he was moved, but PJ and Paige did and they said his recovery at this point is remarkable. He's much more awake and alert and even sitting in a chair and able to chat on the phone.

I'm hoping he'll stop in here at some point over the next few weeks so he can see all the wonderful support you guys have given him.

Keep bringing the well-wishes and once again, thank you!
As it turns out, the rehab hospital is the same hospital where he works, so he'll now be among people he knows.
That's fantastic!
Thanks for keeping us all updated Cory; I know personally I've been riding with a bit of extra caution lately...
I've got another update for you guys...

Yesterday, Daniel was moved from UK hospital in Lexington to a rehab hospital in his hometown of Ashland, KY. As it turns out, the rehab hospital is the same hospital where he works, so he'll now be among people he knows.

I wasn't able to get to UK to see him before he was moved, but PJ and Paige did and they said his recovery at this point is remarkable. He's much more awake and alert and even sitting in a chair and able to chat on the phone.

I'm hoping he'll stop in here at some point over the next few weeks so he can see all the wonderful support you guys have given him.

Keep bringing the well-wishes and once again, thank you!

That is such great news! Thanks again for keeping us in the loop! :rockon:
I'm so glad you were able to relocate, Daniel, and are amongst friends/coworkers now. I'm sure they will do their best to keep your rehab on track. :thumbup:

Wow. I just saw this thread. Donation sent.
Thanks for the thread, Corey, and the updates. Please keep them coming, until Daniel is up to posting again. (Kinda tough to type laying on your back, with only one "good" arm!) :BLAA:
Holy Cow! Was he hit by a car? Money on the way.

Thanks, Hellgate!

After talking with him about the accident, I've got a little better understanding of where he was and what happened. I think I mentioned in the original post that the bike clipped the back wheel of an oncoming SUV. But, according to Daniel and others that were there, he was already off the bike when that happened. Apparently, he found himself going too hot into the corner and was going wide across the double yellow line, then saw the oncoming SUV and bailed, knowing he (or the bike) was going to hit the SUV. While his injuries are severe, we all feel like it could've been so much worse. One second earlier, and the bike may have hit the front of the SUV. Thank goodness for small miracles!

I'll be sure to keep you all updated on the latest news. I can't express how much Daniel appreciates you guys. And not just the financial support for his family, but moreover the worry you've shown! :thumbup: