Riders in GA?

Hell of a lot of fun today Pete!!! If you have a facebook you ought to look up our group GA F.A.ST
DANGIT! wish i could have made this one, blood mtn is a fun and fast ride! i'll keep an eye out for the next meet up. :thumbup:
If yall still can't find the group go on Craigslist and search for a fz6, fz1, sv650 or something along those lines and you should see a link to the group
Did you try searching for a fz1 on Craigslist? That's how I found the group a link popped up while on there. I'm not to facebook savvy or I'd find a way to send you a link
Augusta here. Ready to ride whenever my schedule allows with anyone else that wants to.

off Friday, Saturday, and sunday mornings.

Let's meet up.