Rock The Gear or Skinned Alive!

Very powerful message there! Not just an operator but a MSF Rider Coach! What better way to put respect for the road in the heads of new riders than show them 1st hand what could happen. The song fits the vid too!
I can't/won't open the link - I have a weak stomach :(


Not gory in anyway, it's a beutiful video created by a very talented and beautiful woman. Great soundtrack to go along with the video. Selecting the correct music is so critical on how a video turns out.
That was excellent! Thanks for sharing this with us. Love her bike too :thumbup:
wow that is a pretty good film and i gotta say i am in need of pants any suggestions keeping in mind i am a college student? or anyone looking to sell a good set of used pants? i am size 32 waist. this is the last addition finally have managed to get the boots gloves and jacket and of course never ride without a helmet. still rocking the blue jeans in the mean time.
Tough lesson, and she learned it the hard way. I'm glad she has made such a positive thing come from it.

Nicholas, keep looking for clearance sales. I regularly find things normally $130-$150 marked down to $30-$50
I bought a $270 MSRP jacket for $80. Cycle Gear is blowing out Air speed brand, salesman said they wern't going to carry them anymore. I picked up a pair of mesh pants for $35, said $140 on the tag
The account she wrote a year after everything was pretty hard to read. I have friends who slap on the helmet and think they are safe from all harm. Very glad the first time I jumped on my bike I had my new leather jacket, gloves, and helmet on. Even happier now that I have pants and boots. Very awesome to see that she still rides today also.
Awesome video. Thanks for sharing it Kenny.

Props to her for getting back on, and for going on to become a MSF Rider Coach.
What better way to get through to new (and old) riders the benefits of ATGATT.

As Erci said, love the bike she has now... Pink R1, looks cool.

I practice ATGATT every day. But it's still nice to have a reminder every now and then. Tasteful video, sending a powerful message.

Yep, ATTGATT all the way....bloody expensive, but worth it....i have spent $3500 on gear for me & the missus already this year....and it aint stopping, due for a new set of Sidi Vortice's right Vertigo's which have saved my feet from complete destruction on 3 occasions now, have finally kicked the bucket! :(

Nice vid!

Well I invited her to join the forum, we will see if she does. I'm sure we would all like to hear from her own words about what her organization stands for, what she has learned, etc.
Awesome video. Thanks for sharing it Kenny.

Props to her for getting back on, and for going on to become a MSF Rider Coach.
What better way to get through to new (and old) riders the benefits of ATGATT.

As Erci said, love the bike she has now... Pink R1, looks cool.


pretty sure it is an R6 but still props!
Not good material to post up on an HD forum thread here! On the other side of this issue are the ones who view the ATGATT crowd as panzies. I'm used to see HD riders around here often with sleeveless shirts, beanie helmets and near naked women on board. I get ribbed even for wearing a full face helmet.They want to be perceived as dangerous/reckless. It's part of the image, I guess.
120mph with a passenger on the hwy.:ban: gear or no gear that just stupid:spank: She is also on a stunting forum:rolleyes: Am glad she is putting it out in a positive way, but sometimes you gey what you ask for. Its up to you to take control for yourself.:thumbup:
I have been sliding on the road too at a speed of 70-80km/h. Had all my gear on=> No scratch. ;) Real riders know what the consequences can be of a fall. Real riders are prepared. It's just common sense. And never I will take someone on the back of my bike without being able to offer that person proper riding gear. Period. I see people riding in T-shirts all day, it hurts me every time... Is it really that hard to understand that once you make speed, the road becomes a potential rasp?
I really like what the lady is doing. She has learned a hard lesson, and now she wants to safe other from that same danger. I really appreciate her. That really makes her beautiful.
Yeap. I wear all this stuff 100% of the time. I feel naked without it. I don't know why but the lack of riding pants never really bothers me.

Must agree totally, I have been riding since 1975 and believe me I have had my fair share of spills, my wife and I ride all over Europe, and yes it sometimes does get uncomfortable in say south of France, Spain etc during summer, however, I have had my share of gravel rash to the body, geeze hurts like hell, so yep wear the gear 100% of the time. Even if I'm nipping down to the shops. Best wishes all, keep it shiny side up from the Greenbunch.

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