Saw this in Paris


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Jun 9, 2008
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Buford, Ga
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I'm new to the forum!! I've wanted a bike for awhile now and now that i'm back from France im set on a FZ6. I was dissapointed to learn Euro and USA cosmetics differ, but i'm looking foward the going naked. I'm loving the streetfighter styles! Anyways I got spoiled on all the Euro spec FZs, z750s, cb600F, bandits, etc... Is this an older FZ below? Sorry I dont have anymore pics of it. Nice to meet You all!!
hey DoriDori!

What were you doing in France?

Pretty crazy the number of bikes you see in Paris huh? You basically can`t drive in Paris without seeing an FZ6 every 5 minutes... I love it!

That pic below is indeed an older Fazer (not FZ6)... looks like it's a 2000 faired model that the guy converted to a naked... too bad you don`t have a front shot so we can see his headlight a little better.

This is what it looks like stock:

View attachment 4638

My recommendation if you want to buy an FZ6 and make it a streetfighter is to buy a used '06 for as cheap as you can... once you have that, let us know and we`ll give you the next steps... you won`t need much :rockon:
hey DoriDori!

What were you doing in France?


View attachment 4638

My recommendation if you want to buy an FZ6 and make it a streetfighter is to buy a used '06 for as cheap as you can... once you have that, let us know and we`ll give you the next steps... you won`t need much :rockon:

My grandfather treated my family to a couple weeks over there. I'm in love with the country, especially Provence. This was my second visit to the country; i hope to live there some day too :)

So, why an 2006 model? Why not 2004? My plans as of now are to rid the fairing with a new light/s, aftermarket exhuast and lower it a little. Just keep it simple and fun to ride daily.
My grandfather treated my family to a couple weeks over there. I'm in love with the country, especially Provence. This was my second visit to the country; i hope to live there some day too :)

So, why an 2006 model? Why not 2004? My plans as of now are to rid the fairing with a new light/s, aftermarket exhuast and lower it a little. Just keep it simple and fun to ride daily.

You`re grandpa rocks! very cool.

My dad lives in Provence, in "Salon de Provence" to be precise... where Nostradamus lived the last 20 years of his life (not that anyone would care :lol). Great region indeed (better weather than the North, and the Mediterranean Sea close by!). Great place to go horse back riding too, in the beautiful Camargue.

Why an '06? Well previous years had the silver frame + engine... which would not look as good on a fighter imo. However, if you don`t care about that, and find a great deal on an '04 or '05, then go for it! Just make sure that the TPS recall was taken care of by the previous owner...
Haha yeah there are many more motorcycles in France...I lived in Paris for about 5 years (I first saw the FZ6 in Paris and knew i'd one day own that bike :p) never owned a car, just a scooter and motorcycle. Honestly in Paris you cant survive with a car (too many people, no where to park...anyway the transit system is the best there! Subways, Buses every 5mins...), what takes you 10mins on a bike will take you easy an hour in a car...But the driving over there is abit "Kamikaze" style...Like going on the sidewalk to get around traffic and whatnot, dodging the pedestrians that cross whenever they want (JayWalking does not exsist there!), dodging the cars and buses that run the red lights...ahh how i miss those days...NOT :rolleyes: When riding theres no room for hesitation, its go or be killed! lol I learned to ride in that environment, everything else will be a piece of cake next to that lol :D
Haha yeah there are many more motorcycles in France...I lived in Paris for about 5 years (I first saw the FZ6 in Paris and knew i'd one day own that bike :p) never owned a car, just a scooter and motorcycle. Honestly in Paris you cant survive with a car (too many people, no where to park...anyway the transit system is the best there! Subways, Buses every 5mins...), what takes you 10mins on a bike will take you easy an hour in a car...But the driving over there is abit "Kamikaze" style...Like going on the sidewalk to get around traffic and whatnot, dodging the pedestrians that cross whenever they want (JayWalking does not exsist there!), dodging the cars and buses that run the red lights...ahh how i miss those days...NOT :rolleyes: When riding theres no room for hesitation, its go or be killed! lol I learned to ride in that environment, everything else will be a piece of cake next to that lol :D

While I agree that traffic in Paris is "something else", I actually find it safer than LA for example... ppl in Paris watch out for motorcycles... they know you are there, which makes a world of difference compared to here...

Also, if you go back to Paris now, you will find quite a lot of changes in driver behavior (red lights, use of sidewalk, speeding etc) do not happen anymore since our goverment decided it was enough. Yes the driving itself is still "controlled chaos", but nothing illegal anymore, and if you are used to that "controlled chaos", riding in Paris can be quite fun :)
While I agree that traffic in Paris is "something else", I actually find it safer than LA for example... ppl in Paris watch out for motorcycles... they know you are there, which makes a world of difference compared to here...

Also, if you go back to Paris now, you will find quite a lot of changes in driver behavior (red lights, use of sidewalk, speeding etc) do not happen anymore since our goverment decided it was enough. Yes the driving itself is still "controlled chaos", but nothing illegal anymore, and if you are used to that "controlled chaos", riding in Paris can be quite fun :)
Haha yes the controlled chaos is much fun to ride in! I was in it everyday. I havent lived there for 3years. It is very true how you say its safer because people are looking out for you! I did notice just the other day however that people here are becoming aware of "us" riders, they are moving abit to the side when they see us coming and i was happy to experience that here. As like you say in Paris cars/motos/scooters are all very aware of each other...Its good the goverment made some changes...heck i remember i particpated in a FFMC (Federation Francaise des Motards en Colere) motorcycle protest some few years ago, it was the most bikes i'd ever seen!! We rode on the Boulevard Peripheric into Place de la Bastille, we pretty much shut down the BP, lol, 1000's of bikes.
That's awesome! :)

Tu parles francais alors hein? tu faisais quoi a Paname pendant 5ans?
Haha, ben ouais je suis bien obliger de parler un peu francais, parle c'est simple, mon problem c'est de bien l'ecrire...:p J'avais vu que tu avais les drapeux francais dans ta signature et je me demander si tu etais donc francais du coup. Ben moi c'est mes parents qui sont originaires du Nord d'la france, mon pere a emenager ici en Californie du Sud (OC) pour etre surfeur quand il etais jeune, je suis nee et j'ai grandi ici mais quand j'avais 14ans me parents on divorce et j'ai suivi mon pere qui est rentre en france sur Paris, donc j'ai vecu la bas de 14-18ans, passer mon permier A 125cc sur Paris, c'etais super chiant! Bien plus dure que de passer son permis ici, lol. Mais j'ai mieux appris en france ;) Donc en gros j'ai fait mes etudes dans une ecole bilingue mais j'aime pas trop la meteo a Paris compare a SoCal y'a pas de conteste, je prend le soleil et la mer sans hesitation, haha...