Scavenger Hunt for April!


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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The pictures for April are due by April 28th, so I have time to tally up the entries. Dennis is putting up a plate frame this month for the winner instead of the credits (Yay Dennis!) If there are people that can't get the pictures with your bike due to weather, or having it in storage still, you may use your helmet instead. Just like we did in December with the "traveling helmet" scavenger hunt. If there is a tie, the tie breaker will be a vote over 2 days.


1. Best "Biker" pose on/with your bike

2. Picture of your bike at McDonalds

3. Picture of you with your helmet on and your best SPRING IS HERE!!! smile

4. Picture of your bike with your favorite view in the back ground (your local area)

5. Artistic picture....Close up of any part/area of your bike (eg. Rear shock)

6. Line up your bike cleaning kit and take a picture...then we'll see how hardcore you are lol

7. Bike with a big mud puddle

8. Rear view with a bunny tail... you OR your bike ;)

9. In front of an Easter decorated house/store front

10. Your bike with something else you do for a hobby.

Have fun!!​
Steph,Can the guys on the other side of the world change #3 to "Damn summer is over " frown ?

:rof: absolutely Mick...sorry. Is it Easter there too? Never really thought about syncing up the holidays there and here.
Ok here goes, i will post a few of these straight away, as i have a few of these shots already...will get the rest before the due date...never entered this's gonna be fun.


Picture 1....biker pose!
View attachment 14769

Picture 2....happy spring biker!
View attachment 14770

Picture 3....not that far from home, just past Sellicks beach...beautiful coast having a gawk everytime i ride past!
View attachment 14771

Picture 4...up close and personal with my rear brake disc!
View attachment 14772

Picture products!
View attachment 14773

Picture bike and the SA Fizzers at Mc Donalds for the toy run!
View attachment 14774

That's enough for now...the rest will come...gonna get creative with a couple of them....especially the puddle of mud...we are in a drought!

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lol, I sure have the mud puddle portion covered!!!
Maybe I'll get a picture of me blasting through it... see how gutsy I get with my bike... Does it have to be the FZ? My other yammy loves the mud!!!
lol, I sure have the mud puddle portion covered!!!
Maybe I'll get a picture of me blasting through it... see how gutsy I get with my bike... Does it have to be the FZ? My other yammy loves the mud!!!

You can use any bike you want! The first scavenger hunt we did, Sportrider and J used his FZ1 or R1 (can't remember) and did a video slideshow. It was great. Just have fun!
So far it looks like Jamie is in the front...oh wait! NO ONE else is posting. I think this will be the last one, its lost its novelty I guess.
I just saw this... I will get on the contest... I am just glad that you came up with one while my bike was in rideable climate....

And Keira Would participate if her bike could get out of the basement....
I tried my best....we'll see what I can come up with for the rest in a few days. Sorry if some of the pics are old, but as you can see, I am not riding right now....

1. Best "Biker" pose on/with your bike (this is why I can't ride...I used to be able to reach, I swear)

2. Picture of your bike at McDonalds (who'd have thought McD's could look this good?)

3. Picture of you with your helmet on and your best SPRING IS HERE!!! smile (I took this for my first ride of the year a couple years ago, and as soon as I got to my bike, it started pouring. Needless to say, I was not impressed.)

4. Picture of your bike with your favorite view in the back ground (your local area)Oooh, pretty....

5. Artistic picture....Close up of any part/area of your bike (eg. Rear shock)

6. Line up your bike cleaning kit and take a picture...then we'll see how hardcore you are lol (Does Rob count as part of my cleaning kit?)

7. Bike with a big mud puddle

8. Rear view with a bunny tail... you OR your bike ;)
Sorry it isn't a rear view....all the rear view shots I took, sucked

9. In front of an Easter decorated house/store front

10. Your bike with something else you do for a hobby. (My grandmother's trumpet....I play in my hometown summer band now...not very good anymore, but it is fun)
Well.... unfortunately, with 6" of snow outside & leaving for vacation on Thursday, I won't be able to enter this month. But remember what you told me Mick.....those frames don't fit your bikes! Or yours Wolfman! So I'd be MORE than happy to take it off your hands if either of you win! And I don't think Keira would want to donate it?!?!? :rolleyes: Your "cleaning" product is the best! :thumbup:
I will leave this up for a couple more days, see if anyone else posts, then declare Keira the winner. This will probably be the last one due to lack of interest. Thanks Keira and Jamie for posting up.
there were so few entries that I will wait until Thursday...not hard to keep track of like the last ones I did. Good luck, post up
Steph, Thanks for doing this. I hope you keep it up, even with the low turnout. I SWEAR I'll do it in may.

Thanks! :thumbup:
Well, there were a couple I could never get, but I'll post what I have in support of how much fun I think this thing was!

My favorite local view (since the National Park was still closed when I took pictures):

Beside a large mud puddle:

"Artistic" close up:

McD's! I had to use the cell phone for this one.

My bike with another hobby. I crochet Amigurumi dolls. The orange ninja has a very strong magnet inside of him. I've made several and we hide them around the house. You never know when a ninja might be watching you!

Aaaand a fluffy bunny tail!

My best quizzical "Does 40 degree weather really mean Spring?" look:

My "Why do I ride in January" biker pose (with my old bike):

I really did have fun with this, even though I didn't find them all. I'll be sad to see it go. :(