Scavenger Hunt for May


Elite Member
Premium Member
May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Rules. Have fun. Post as you get them and the winner gets a FZ6-forum license plate frame! Remember, you are not required to get every single picture on the list...the person with the most wins!

Thanks to Mike (Ozzieboy) for helping me come up with the list this month. It is far harder than it looks.

Due date May 30th

1. Picture of your mirror showing an interesting scene.
2. Picture of your bike with a telephone booth
3. Picture of a water tower shown through your rim
4. Hide a small toy Where's Waldo style somewhere on your bike
5. Your bike with another FZ6
6. Your bike with a bird in flight
7. Your bike with a train
8. Your bike with a fountain
9. Your bike, in motion, in front of a mailbox
10. Your bike with "The Big______" you choose, every area has some sort of oversized thing (chair, apple, bull)


1 extra point for you bike with a Yamaha miniature sitting on the seat.
2 extra points for the miniature being an FZ6​
Right. I'm in hand, was going to try and get them all in one pic, but i'd have to remove a mirror and set the camera up for a mobile self portrait while scaring a bird into flight in front of a mail box and phone booth with a water tower visible through the rim*takes deep breath*...*scrunch scrunch*..That idea is now in the too hard

Hey, whose idea was this round rotating planet thing?:spank::spank::spank:

Sun went down before I could find a good spot for my well...there's always a slight detour on the way home

I did however get a bird in flight pic, but I'm try for a better one:thumbup:

A water Tower, a fountain and Train, WTF??

I live in NYC, that's going to be hardd!

In just rode 160km return to get a pic of a water tower and the sun set before I got it was too easy, it wouldn't be worth doing...besides...we've got a month.:thumbup:
Oh boy. I've got about 8 days to try and do this months...and I'm the only person (from these forums) in my entire state on an FZ6! Who wants to ride up here to take a picture with me?! :cheer:
Oh boy. I've got about 8 days to try and do this months...and I'm the only person (from these forums) in my entire state on an FZ6! Who wants to ride up here to take a picture with me?! :cheer:

Hey there's a challenge for ya Mikey :D.......Like you need a reason do to a few more K's :rof:
Oh boy. I've got about 8 days to try and do this months...and I'm the only person (from these forums) in my entire state on an FZ6! Who wants to ride up here to take a picture with me?! :cheer:

Yamaha shop?...worth a

And no I'm not riding round in circles on the deck of a freighter to get be nice to see some new roads
Okay, it's all I got at the moment, hopefully more to come. ;)

Water tower through wheel, train, bird in flight, phone booth, big egg (Pysanka), miniature R1 or mid miniature, fountain from a year ago, fountain I found today a bit downsized, finding Waldo pic (Oliver School), mirror shot of the cityscape...
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Oh boy. I've got about 8 days to try and do this months...and I'm the only person (from these forums) in my entire state on an FZ6! Who wants to ride up here to take a picture with me?! :cheer:

I was thinking the same thing about Colorado Springs! I have not seen another one here, except for the shop! But when you come thru here, we can take a pic of our bikes!
Time to grab the camera and get some shots... Mikey, where are these water towers???

I'll have to come out with you and get some pics ;)

:) secret mate...I could tell ya...but then I'd have to pole dance for you in a mankini.

OK you called my mankini is in the wash. Strath.....via Bull Creek of course. You ever done Bull Creek?

Edit...Or down Millicent
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Umm, I'll skip the Mankini thing, but I'll take you up on a tour :)

Unless you took me on Bull Creek that day coming back from Victa, then I haven't been there.

I'll have my people talk to your
