Scavenger Hunt for May

Ok,- my latest shots:

Item 1: Interesting scene: (Ribs from a Great Blue Whale, used as gates)


Item 2: (Phonebooth)

Item 6: (Bird in Flight)

Item 8: (Fountain)

Item 10: (Some of the biggest land based Wind Mills in this country)


Heading out for the rest later today, and tomorrow :)
Well, I got two more shots this morning. Find Waldo picture in front of Oliver School and a mirror shot of the city.

Click here

Going to be tough to get the rest....:rant:

:bow: I shall concede in advance
Since I got bored waiting for the train for pic 7, I made a second one for no. 6:

Item 6a: (Bird in Flight, this staring Mr. Seagull)


Finally, after 30 minutes of waiting:

Item 7: (The Train. warning sign says "Water On Road" :) )

I'd be finished if it weren't for the weather......
as soon as I told you I was going out to finish....the thunder rolled! :(
That sucks, but you have a couple days left! I'll send you some sunshine thoughts lol....we are finally getting nice weather up here.
Well,- after this one I got 3 pics to go (FZ6, Mailbox, And Mini FZ6).
Figure I'll get the FZ6 on Friday when I go to the bike rally. Good thing this runs till the 30th :).
The mailbox is a no brainier, - but the mini Fz6 got me stuck, - I cant seem to find one anywhere :( ,- BUT I'M NOT GIVING UP!!

Here is the one for one bonus point: (FJR1300 2006):

So, here's the rest......(even though my mini isn't on the seat) it was a tough one!
The USAF Thunderbird is a bonus pic....missed their V fomation by a few seconds!