Seriously God was at my side last night


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2012
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So yesterday i went with some friends up in the mountains. When we where like 200 meters away from our stop, on a downhill, (was second from last person) an idiot just went wide on a big turn and forced me out of the road. Well i hit the siderails with around 140 KM/H :eek: , felled down and slide around 25 meters to stop and the bike from the crash stopped at around 50-60 meters away. My friend that was behind me saw everything. He was like 95% (he is also a doctor) that i was either dead or near dead as he saw my head crashing on the siderails and then on the ground many times. Well, i survived this with only a sore ass minor neck pains and some minor scratches (went to work today). Also the bike has a damage of only 300 euro. How is this possible?? Yeah sure i was wearing a helmet and a safety jacket but that's not enough to save you on 140 km/h hit. and the bike, well it just felled and slide, i guess.
So this was a huge wake up call of how things can turn in matter of seconds. Wear all gear at all time people.It really saves life's and just say a little pray before you get on the bike, He might hear you.
Yup, I'd say the big guy had you on this one! Heal up and ride again...
You only should ride as fast as your angels can fly


Didnt mean that negatively glad your fine and wow that's crazy that someone saw that and your walking talking breathing and eating ok ( it popped up in my head and I typed it)
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Glad you are ok and the bike has minimal damage! Was this person that forced you off the road oncoming traffic or riding with you?
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So yesterday i went with some friends up in the mountains. When we where like 200 meters away from our stop, on a downhill, (was second from last person) an idiot just went wide on a big turn and forced me out of the road. Well i hit the siderails with around 140 KM/H :eek: , felled down and slide around 25 meters to stop and the bike from the crash stopped at around 50-60 meters away. My friend that was behind me saw everything. He was like 95% (he is also a doctor) that i was either dead or near dead as he saw my head crashing on the siderails and then on the ground many times. Well, i survived this with only a sore ass minor neck pains and some minor scratches (went to work today). Also the bike has a damage of only 300 euro. How is this possible?? Yeah sure i was wearing a helmet and a safety jacket but that's not enough to save you on 140 km/h hit. and the bike, well it just felled and slide, i guess.
So this was a huge wake up call of how things can turn in matter of seconds. Wear all gear at all time people.It really saves life's and just say a little pray before you get on the bike, He might hear you.
Glad you got away with it, good luck in the future. I prefer the bag of luck theory but each to their own. Neil
That's just another reminder that no matter how routine the ride, something crazy can pop up and go completely nuts instantly. Glad to hear you're, relatively, doing well. Also good to hear the bike got through it without major loss, in that order. Time to put on the bandaids and turn a wrench or two ;)
was oncoming traffic that didn't even stop

So this was a left-hand turn, the guy went into your lane and pushed you to your right, into the guard rail?

What kind of turn was it?

Did this happen before the apex, during, or after it?

Did you take a late apex line? How close were you to the double-yellow?

Did you stand up the bike and try to brake?

What could you have done to avoid this accident?
Glad you are OK and pray you heal up quickly. Was in Rome earlier this year and met someone from either Cyprus or Turkey (must be getting old if my memory is that bad) always think of him when I see posts from FZ6 riders in that part of the world.

Was walking down the street towards the top of the Spanish Steps and started talking to a fella with a Yamaha had on - said something about I had a Yamaha - turned out we both had FZ6's.
So this was a left-hand turn, the guy went into your lane and pushed you to your right, into the guard rail?

What kind of turn was it?

Did this happen before the apex, during, or after it?

Did you take a late apex line? How close were you to the double-yellow?

Did you stand up the bike and try to brake?

What could you have done to avoid this accident?

It was an S turn
this happened as i leaned into the turn, bare in mind that in Cyprus we drive the opposite that you do. So the first turn was to the right
Tried to stop the bike but brakes where brand new so didnt had enough stopping power
The only way of avoiding the accident was not to try and brake but try to lean the bike so you can take the turn ohh and DONT STARE AT THE GUARD RAIL:eek:
Every time I ride my bike, I ask God to put a protective shield around me that makes me safe and visible. Bless my equipment and gear, and help me to ride within my limits. Bless me if anything goes wrong............

I will not ride my bike without saying this prayer!!!!!!!!