Shoei Qwest vs RF1200


Mar 30, 2013
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Lindsay, Oklahoma
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Ok y'all, I'm looking for a new helmet. I am in serious need of an upgrade. Currently I have a Speed and Strength helmet that I have had for about 5 years. For those of you who have tried both, please enlighten me on the differences between the Qwest and the RF1200 (ie most quiet, comfortable, in wind, in rain, or whatever else you think I may need to know). Gotta have a new helmet to go with my new bike. :D
I've had a Qwest for 3 years and it has been great. It has good ventilation but I wouldn't call it particularly quiet. Revzilla is good about covering helmet details, but know that the RF1200 is a slightly different head shape. I recently upgraded to an Arai Defiant which is great and very comfortable. I originally looked at Shoei, but nothing fit me as well as the Qwest so I went to Arai. Fit is easily the #1 most important thing in a helmet.
I've got a Qwest and find it's a solid helmet, although I haven't owned anything else in my short riding career. Highly suggest picking up a mirror tint visor from Amazon or the likes for a few bucks if you go that route.
Try them both on, they fit differently. Qwest is slightly round, the RF1200 is slightly oval. The RF fits me pretty well, the Qwest gave me a headache after a couple minutes trying it on.
GT-AIR is quiet and comfy I had an 1100 I like the flip down sun visor. Even tho when I first looked I swore I didn't need it but it's well worth it
Only downer from me is that in rain if you don't have your collar snug you get the odd drip down Yr back
Never happened with the 1100 it has a little lip

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
Ok, well, I opted for the Shoei RF1200. Yesterday was the first time to wear it and it was very windy. I have a 40 minute commute to work one way. It was much quieter, handled the wind much better, and was very comfortable (although it needs some breaking in for sure). I did not use the pinlock attachment and the shield did fog up a bit when I came to a stop. I had better view to the sides. Long story short, it was a HUGE improvement from my previous two helmets. (Speed and Strength, and HJC)
You will be satisfied with the Shoei. It will feel very snug at first, but then after a short while it will feel very comfortable. It also handles the buffeting pretty well.:thumbup:
I like my RF-1200. Great quality, and comfort. My head is rather oval shaped so this is the right shape for me. I've been very impressed with how well it deals with the wind when I do a head check over my shoulder. There's no extra drag at all.

I've complained about noise, but I now suspect that mas mostly caused by the way the wind deflected from my stock screen. I just changed to a MRA Vario screen and it's a great improvement.

Enjoy yours!
