Shoei Transitions Shield for RF-1200 FINALLY SHIPPING!


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Sep 14, 2013
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Parkersburg, WV
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If you bought a Shoei RF-1200 and you wanted the Transitions shield, well it's finally available and vendors are shipping them out.


If you bought a Shoei RF-1200 and you wanted the Transitions shield, well it's finally available and vendors are shipping them out.



I am eagerly awaiting your full review.... After so many years, I hope it lives up to the expectations......
Well, it arrived yesterday. Mounted it but only got a short ride in the fading light, so it wasn't a good test. And today it's raining so I'll be in the car.

Well, it arrived yesterday. Mounted it but only got a short ride in the fading light, so it wasn't a good test. And today it's raining so I'll be in the car.


Too bad about the rain, but I am really interested in how well it reacts when you wear it in the car on a rainy day. ;)
Yes Beetle, It's been over a week and I've been out in some serious sun.

The shield is great. Except for early mornings and at sunset it gets plenty dark on the brightest days. We've had some bright and sunny scorchers. I've been through shady spots in valleys etc and I've had no problems. The shield does not get super dark, so though it's not superfast to lighten up, It's still pretty good.

The only time it's not perfect is when the sun is right down at the horizon. So I've kept my glasses for those times and the combination works great.

I'm thinking of getting something my neighbor uses. It's a dark tinted strip that static clings across the top inch and a half of the shield. Then you just tip your head when you REALLY need something darker in a hurry. Pretty much like having a visor with a bill, but without the wind resistance.

I'm very happy with mine. I think it's worth the price, though as some will say, it's not essential. It just makes it really simple to ride with less thought to what shield to pick. :thumbup:

Nice. Good to hear it was worth the wait. Tell me more about the clingy thing for the top of the visor. I could size something like that.
Tom, Try this link.

Sundowner Helmet Tint Strip - Sundowner

It doesn't say much about the product. But it's just a really simple straight strip of dark tinted film that clings to the outside of the visor. It shades the upper part of your face when the sun is high, and when the sun is lower you can tip your head to look through the dark strip, so it's quicker than if you had those flip-down glasses. I never really noticed that my neighbor was using this. It's pretty subtle. He has a gloss black helmet so maybe it blends in a bit.

I really wish that I'd grabbed one of these last month when I was at the Iron Pony store. I despise paying $8.95 for shipping for something the size of a piece pf paper.

If you decide to try this and can wait till mid-September, I'll be in a group ride with people from Columbus. I can certainly talk somebody into getting me two or three of these and then I can mail it to you at regular postage.
