Sidi Vertigo Air


Junior Member
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Gents, I finally got myself a nice set of boots. Took a bit longer but wanted to hold of and get me a nice pair.

Unfortunately I have nothing to compare them with since this is my first pair of boots, however I'd like to share my experience so far, maybe it will help someone in decision making.


I have ordered the less-flashy natural looking black, however these boots do come in few different color schemes. The boots are very impressive, look very well made and I could not find any blemishes/imperfections. You do get a nice "note" in the box that real leather may occasionally look blemished however this is not considered as defect.

Sidi makes boots in whole numbers only (US) for example if your foot size is 10.5 you will need to go up half or down. I've decided to go up the .5 I've tried size 10 and it felt too much pressure on my toe. There is another reason why i wanted just a tad larger boot and I'll explain later.
The comfort is great, it feels like a normal boot, except when walking downstairs :) Another nice feature which won me over is the adjustable calf system which tightens the fit once the boot is on. I wear them with my pants in.

I've been riding in these boots for three weeks now, so far I am very pleased.
Knowing how hot my feet get in the summer I went with the "Air" which is basically the same except the leather is perforated for added venting. This will keep me cool in the summer, however, please note, this boot will get VERY cold very quickly! Riding in 45 deg weather is nearly unbearable! This is why i chose the tad larger version, so now I can wear some wind-proof socks! :p

and that is it!

I will keep you guys updated should I realize some new features and or problems.

Here is where i got mine: Sidi Vertigo Motorcycle Boots :: New Enough, LTD


Sidi makes great boots. Although I think they are not real leather as you mention. I think that the vertigos are wholy made of Lorica synthetic. That is even better than leather, just saying. Great choice!
Those are my new boots. :)
I rode with them for the first time last weekend and they are wonderful compared to my rather bulky Alpinestars Gortex boots....much more "feel" in the toe for shifting. I also found that I didn't get the occasional "ankle" cramps that I sometimes get when riding. I don't know if that's a result of the extra support around the calf, but it made my ride much more pleasant.
The temperature was about 70 deg F, and the boots were very comfortable temperature-wise...not too cool, not too warm. I didn't have the little vents open (I forgot about them) so I've yet to try them open.
They are also quite comfortable to walk around in, which surprised me.
Well worth the money. :)
I just have the B-2 Sidi boots and I love them. I bet the airs are supernicer. Glad your enjoying them.
I couldn't get the alpinestars for the price I wanted so I guess Im getting a pair of these... going to the dealer tomorrow try some out.