Simple DIY Saddle Bag Bracket


Junior Member
Dec 29, 2014
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Tampa, Florida
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Hello Everyone,

I am brand spanking new to this forum, but have lurked around a bit. In large part to the many informative posts on this forum, I purchased a 2007 FZ6 last year to get back into riding. It was a garage queen with a mere 700 miles. I have put about 5,000 miles on it and have decided it is time to get a full saddlebag set up, and take some longer rides. To date my longest weekend is about 600 miles. I must say, this is a great all-around bike.

I already had Cortech tank and tail bags, so I went with the saddlebags as well. As many of you know, keeping them off the exhaust and hanging straight can be a challenge. I saw many great ideas for a DIY solution and came up with this one. About 90% of the parts I already had in my garage, but I figure $25 would buy you everything necessary, including paint.

My criteria was they needed to work, be easy to take off, and look decent if I left them on. I think these hit the mark. They also require only simple tools and no precision work is required.

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To remove the bracket just pull the hose off one side, back the nuts off and pull it out the opposite side. You only have to mount them finger tight, since the hose keeps the nuts from vibrating loose. No tools required!

This is my first DIY post on any forum. I hope you find it helpful. I look forward to conversations with you all.
Great post. I am interested in doing this, but I cannot read the description of the parts in the photos, as the text is too small,when I save the images and zoom, the text is distorted, is there any chance that you could list the parts you used? Sorry to be a pain!
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I used the following parts to make mine since I had all of it in my garage. I am sure you can improvise, and probably even simplify this further.

5/16th all thread: a 13-inch piece and a 17-inch piece.

Thick-walled Hose: Two 15-inch pieces. The key here is to get some hose that is stiff and will fit tightly over the 5/16the nuts used for assembly. I used some scrap PVC irrigation hose I had on hand.

3/4 in by 1/8 in Bar Aluminum: a 14-inch piece and an 8-inch piece worked for my bike. You will bend 1.5 inches of each end down to form the bracket ends. You may want to measure to make sure the tail is the same width on your bike and adjust accordingly. Alternatively you could probably just buy 4 small ready-made brackets. I had the aluminum, so I used it.

Replacement Mounting Screws: The screws you take out of the bike to mount the brackets will be too short. You can go to Lowe's and pick up longer screws out of the metric section of the specialty boxes. They just need to be a little longer to accommodate the thickness of the bracket.

Nuts and Washers: You will need a dozen 5/16th nuts and a bunch of washers as well.

Have Fun!
good job, well done :)

By the way I prefer rear rack (shad sh50) for helmet and other things, and hard side bags (because of I can lock them with key and leave the bike alone with bags when I gone to beach)
You are welcome. I just noticed you are from Spain. I suppose it is a long drive to Lowe's for you.:D

Yes, you're right there! Lived her for 14 years now (UK expat). I love the States though. Went to Florida (Orlando, Daytona, Tampa, Clearwater) a couple of times in the early 90's, great State. Been back to the US a few times since. Last year we did Denver, then to SLC on the Amtrak (best train journey I ever went on!), Yellowstone, then Memphis and Nashville. Unfortunately, no motorcycling on that trip. Hope to do that another time.

Thanks again.