Slow speed practice.

today in traffic I was practicing "track standing" (bicycle term for standing standing still with feet up) on the FZ6

I am getting better and better at just balancing and maybe creeping forward just a tad (inches) during a traffic signal
I think its easier on a Harley the steering angle is more relaxed making it more stable at low speed. not to take anything at all from those guys skill!!!
I think its easier on a Harley the steering angle is more relaxed making it more stable at low speed. not to take anything at all from those guys skill!!!

My sporty is like 30 degrees and the FZ6 is like 25. With the Sporty, at slow speeds it requires much more refined skills in terms of throttle clutch input where the FZ6 seems to float along. Body English seems to be more important on the FZ6.
This is one of the harder skills for me. I am getting better thru working and practice but it is still hard. I have read that a quick way to tell how good a rider is by watching them at slow speed, in tight turns. I want to be a better rider, and I am sure other people are interested as well, and may not of seen these.

Slow School

Thanks for the links to the course layouts. I look forward to refreshing my newly learned skills at an empty lot.
I probably also got my slow speed skills from the bike. I rode a bicycle way back for 10kms to and from school. and now when I ride in my favourite hunting ground central london, you will have to have the slow speed skills in your toolkit for filtering otherwise you will be stuck forever behind some car.

But sometimes I do get beind cars when the traffic is heavy to practise the slow movement, using my back brake and clutch but mostly the back brake.
A friend, and former MSF instructor sent me this link. I would have loved to've seen this competition. If you check the (I think) second rider, you'll see the point about where to look (head position). In a way, we're kind of like horses. You turn them by turning their heads. We're no different. Look where you want to go.
2007 National Training and Skills Championship

Don't know that much about links, so you may have to cut and paste. (sorry)

Can I do this with the Fazer 6??
I was at the Galveston, tx annual rally last october. They had a "bike games" area set up. One of the games was the last man standing event where they line up 5 bikes and see who can cross the finish line last. Cool to watch the guys on the big touring harleys try it. The bike that won it when i was watching it was a triumph rocket3.

1.feet cant touch the ground have to go in a straight line to the finish.
3.last person to cross the line is the winner.
This is one of the requirements to pass the Motorcycle drivers test here in California. We had to do it in the safety course and its very useful for building confindence.
Great link! will make my own test next week end ,only have permit now. Its a 3-4hr trip to the man's office , they should just give me the lic for getting
Thanks for the link.

I try to do things like this every time I have an opportunity.

Once I participated on a "slow race" and "animal scoop" game. Did win neither one, but had fun and gained more experience

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