So this has been my morning...


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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Last night my dad called me asking if I could go have his chain replaced by my buddy (told him about my bike) while he was outta town. So like a good son I said sure, been awhile since I've rode a vstrom and was looking forward to it. So I got up a hr early to ride to his house and pick up his bike, and in the process of being half awake I let my dog out the wrong gate so I had to chase him in my boxers for about 15min... Lovely

A little irked and late I headed on over to get his bike, and when I hopped on the strom the aggravation disappeared. It was like meeting a old girlfriend again that had a bad ending but a great beginning. Some of y'all might know what I'm talking about, ya know angry fun...
Well I knew he said his chain was kinking pretty bad but didn't think nothin of it. So I proceeded to give it hell, clutching it up a few times and what not then about halfway to work running 60ish on a very crowded highway the rear locked up! Luckily I was able to man handle this beast of a bike and keep it upright, I'm almost positive due to the fact that I like to lock my bike up on purpose and know how the bike reacts. Well I ended up stoped right in the middle of both lanes and caused a accident about 10 cars back (sorry rand people but that's why you don't tailgate) since the chain was wedged inbetween the wheel and swing arm I couldn't move the bike so a truck full of guys helped me lift the rear and move it to the side. Luckily he keeps all kinds of random **** on his bike and needed tools so I got it up on the center stand and went to work. A hr later I finally got the chain back on and tightened up, so that's how my morning has gone....
View attachment 45398
Here you can see some of the scuffing on the inside of the wheel and on the other pic you can see the damage it did to the front sprocket nutView attachment 45399View attachment 45400View attachment 45401View attachment 45402
Chasing dog in your underwear? Skidding rear from 60-0 on the highway, THEN fixing it with spare tools on hand? You are... the most interesting man in the world.

Lucky x 2! Glad you kept the rubber down Bro. Last time that happen to me I rip the hub off the wheel. I had to buy a new rear wheel...
Chasing dog in your underwear? Skidding rear from 60-0 on the highway, THEN fixing it with spare tools on hand? You are... the most interesting man in the world.


Lol that put a smile on my scrunched up pissed off face. And thanks to all of ya it was definitely a but puckering moment mainly because I was dead sure that I was going to get someone plowing into me. And another thing that really pissed me off was the wreck that happened. The lady who rearended the other lady walked down to me all pissed off and demanded my drivers license and insurance info. Being quite ticked and adrenaline still pumping I layer into her saying something to the effect of "you can kiss my *** after you go **** yourself, if your dumbass wouldn't have been tailgating the other car it wouldn't have happend" she said well we see how the cops think of it when they get here ***hole. Me- "get the **** on and go bother someone else" and when the cops did get there they told her pretty much the same thing and wrote her a ticket for following too close. She got real pissed and they almost arrested her.

I normally would never talk to a lady like that but given the situation and the way she approached me it just set me off...
LMAO!!!! :rof::rof::rof:
Hey Chevy,
Awesome job keeping it upright and then get it rollin again!

Chasing dog in your underwear? Skidding rear from 60-0 on the highway, THEN fixing it with spare tools on hand? You are... the most interesting man in the world.

Lol that put a smile on my scrunched up pissed off face. And thanks to all of ya it was definitely a but puckering moment mainly because I was dead sure that I was going to get someone plowing into me. And another thing that really pissed me off was the wreck that happened. The lady who rearended the other lady walked down to me all pissed off and demanded my drivers license and insurance info. Being quite ticked and adrenaline still pumping I layer into her saying something to the effect of "you can kiss my *** after you go **** yourself, if your dumbass wouldn't have been tailgating the other car it wouldn't have happend" she said well we see how the cops think of it when they get here ***hole. Me- "get the **** on and go bother someone else" and when the cops did get there they told her pretty much the same thing and wrote her a ticket for following too close. She got real pissed and they almost arrested her.

I normally would never talk to a lady like that but given the situation and the way she approached me it just set me off...

I thought you're at fault automatically since you're on a bike? ... no?
That reminds me of the time a lady hit my parked car and blamed me for parking directly on the other side of the street where she was... apparently it was my fault the street wasn't wide enough for her to maneuver :confused:.

Good job keeping a somewhat level attitude ;). If you weren't physically involved in the wreck, its never your fault. End of story.
Good thing it was in a straight stretch! Dirt bike training saves another street bike I'd say! Good job, glad you're ok! Now get some close on! :spank: :spank:
Lol that put a smile on my scrunched up pissed off face. And thanks to all of ya it was definitely a but puckering moment mainly because I was dead sure that I was going to get someone plowing into me. And another thing that really pissed me off was the wreck that happened. The lady who rearended the other lady walked down to me all pissed off and demanded my drivers license and insurance info. Being quite ticked and adrenaline still pumping I layer into her saying something to the effect of "you can kiss my *** after you go **** yourself, if your dumbass wouldn't have been tailgating the other car it wouldn't have happend" she said well we see how the cops think of it when they get here ***hole. Me- "get the **** on and go bother someone else" and when the cops did get there they told her pretty much the same thing and wrote her a ticket for following too close. She got real pissed and they almost arrested her.

I normally would never talk to a lady like that but given the situation and the way she approached me it just set me off...


I would love to be there to see this.

Class A bytch.
Wow you have good driver there, around here folks don't need a reason to run into the back of someone - all they need is a vehicle in front of them!!!! Know too many people who have been re-ended while driving down the road at a constant speed.
I member a thread a bit ago called vstrom envy well I think I shouldov called this one vstrom enemy, because this morning his bike was out to get my arse!! But right now ima gettin my "shine" on and could care less by the way thanks Tiny View attachment 45407

Nother lesson lernt don't clutch up pig bikes on bad chains cause ittle bite ya in da arse later, oh well gonna be dumb gotta be tough, or at least have the rite tools n knowhow