Speed wobble, should I be worried

Did I mention this happened while I was accelerating full out?? For those saying I shouldve accelerated out of it, I appreciate your help but how do you accelerate out of something when that something happens at a point where the throttle wont twist any further? It was either, keep doing what im doing or back off the throttle. Sorry, I just had to point that out.

I've never brought a bike to a shop...well, except to get it safetied. But I don't trust myself to put a wheel on and balance it. I'll probably ask some friends and relatives that ride for a trusted mechanic that hopefully can do a friends discount and bring it in in the spring. Seems like a smart thing to do.

thanks, good to know i did something right haha. Thats exactly what I did, I didnt panic, didnt go for either brake, just slowly backed off the throttle. Actually I probably loosened my grip on the bars too, although it was just because I could barely hang on to them.

Unless it was turning 15k rpms and in 6th gear you can always power out, if it was tach'd out then upshift and gently give it some throttle. Its a opposite reaction of what you would think to do but much more effective if it starts to speed wobble again. If you watch any isle of man TT event you see the riders speed wobble at almost 1/2 the turns and almost all drops in the road but continue to accelerate and it instantly smooths out. Road conditions can greatly effect a wobble but add that to a old crusty tire and its magnified, check that link above and find out just how old it is
Unless it was turning 15k rpms and in 6th gear you can always power out, if it was tach'd out then upshift and gently give it some throttle. Its a opposite reaction of what you would think to do but much more effective if it starts to speed wobble again. If you watch any isle of man TT event you see the riders speed wobble at almost 1/2 the turns and almost all drops in the road but continue to accelerate and it instantly smooths out. Road conditions can greatly effect a wobble but add that to a old crusty tire and its magnified, check that link above and find out just how old it is

True say. Well, hopefully it doesnt happen again.

Thanks for the info on tire year by the way. I havent checked yet because the bike isnt stored at my house but i think ill go take a look today.
Ok, so I checked the age of the tire. Its a little different here in Canada so i couldnt use that link, but i THINK i figured it out. The front tire says 1210 and the rear tire says 2006. So that means the rear tire is from the 20th week of 2006. But that doesnt make any sense because im pretty sure the last owner showed me that the rear tire was replaced. At least, I think it was the rear. My memory is a little foggy now. It couldve been the front. You know what....for some reason now I think he did say it was the front.
What do you guys think, replace em both?
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Replace them both. The newest one is five years old.

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Michelin Road Pilot 4 or Conti Road Attack 2 EVO.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Michelin Road Pilot 4 or Conti Road Attack 2 EVO.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

Nice they have the road pilot 4s on canadasmotorcycle.com. Perfect! They also have road pilot gts for $20 more. I wonder what the difference is.
The GTs have a stiffer carcass for heavier bikes (pan euros, big BMWs, that sort of thing). The "regular" ones are fine for the FZ6.

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i bought the bike in juli and it is fitted with Michelin Road Pilot 2 2CT.
in my opinion its a very decent tyre, its lasts long on rides over the autobahn and has enough grip on the edges (2CT).
with this tyre i also have this kickbacks, but its enough to be not normal.

on the r6 i have conti sport attack 2, i love them to be honest but they are gone after a few thousand of kilometers.

in the spring 2016 will come the sport attack 3.
i am not sure if you put such a "supersport" tyre on my daily committer because then you have to spend a lot of money for tyres...
The GTs have a stiffer carcass for heavier bikes (pan euros, big BMWs, that sort of thing). The "regular" ones are fine for the FZ6.

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Oh true say. Ya I was looking through reviews for the gts trying to figure out what the difference was and everyone reviewing had a 1200 bike or higher. Mostly big bmws. Made me feel small lol. So that makes sense.

Definitely going to replace both tires with those on the spring. The treat pattern alone makes it worth the $400 haha. And some extra grip would be nice. Not before I practice some burnouts tho

i bought the bike in juli and it is fitted with Michelin Road Pilot 2 2CT.
in my opinion its a very decent tyre, its lasts long on rides over the autobahn and has enough grip on the edges (2CT).
with this tyre i also have this kickbacks, but its enough to be not normal.

on the r6 i have conti sport attack 2, i love them to be honest but they are gone after a few thousand of kilometers.

in the spring 2016 will come the sport attack 3.
i am not sure if you put such a "supersport" tyre on my daily committer because then you have to spend a lot of money for tyres...
Ya I dont really use the bike to commute, but I do take long road trips and I want these tires to last another 5 years so I wont go with supersport style tires. Right now it has bridgestones on, not sure what kind. Probably just whatever was lying around the shop at the time.

From what Ive read in reviews, the pilot 4's are much better than the pilot 3s, and the 3s were a huge jump from the 2s. So maybe try out the new michelins next time if you liked the 2s.
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with this tyre i also have this kickbacks, but its enough to be not normal.

What are you saying/implying here. Can go into detail?

True - tires need replaced due to age; Q? given there were no other "driveability complaints", Do we all agree that tire balance and condition are not the cause of the original complaint?
True - tires need replaced due to age; Q? given there were no other "driveability complaints", Do we all agree that tire balance and condition are not the cause of the original complaint?

Haha yes I think you guys all came to that conclusion.
We kinda side tracked a bit. Im glad we did though otherwise I never would have known the tires were old.

The thread kind of went from-"what should i look at/replace to correct the original issue" to "what should I look at/replace just because its probably a good idea" haha
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