Spreading goodwill


I used to be Jethro
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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So the highway by my town is going through some major construction and there is quite a bit of gravel with the normal potholes and flaggers and pilot cars, the whole nine yards. I was driving my concrete truck through a slow section and there got to be about 500 feet between me and the car in front of me. I could see a full dressed bike behind me playing peek-a-boo in my mirrors eating my dust and apparantly he didnt like it so he suddenly gasses it and flies around me. IN THE CONTRUCTION ZONE. And as he goes by, his passenger waves her arms at me in a frantic, flailing motion. I just shook my head and continued on.
A little bit down the gravel, here the dumb-arse is, laying on his side in the rocks and was trying to lift the 1000 pound road hog back on two wheels. They just didnt have enough lead in their little tiny rears to upright the monster, so I stopped and helped them upright. I felt pretty good about helping them, they might still be there!
Just wanted to share this somewhat amusing story.
This is what a lack of patience will get ya......and in a construction zone?!?! :spank: shame on them

But kudos for you for stopping to help :)