Stick with FZ6 or go full liter


Aug 31, 2012
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Trying to decide between staying with my cheap FZ6 and modding it up some, or just selling it and getting FZ1.
Having had liter bikes in the past I sure do miss the power, but I really like the cheapness of the FZ6. Mine is an 05 with just over 7k miles on it and it's all stock. Thing is, I want more bottom end and a beefier sound. The tin can's that are currently on it are embarrassing.
Oddly enough, I started a thread on here not too long ago bagging on the need for eye/ear candy exhausts, now well things have changed. I know the exhaust will fix the sound but the power, dang I miss the power. I do like the 50+ mpg's though and the cheap insurance. I also like what I paid for it which is next to nothing $2600.
Dang, I'm not sure what to do, POWER vs PRACTICALITY?
What do you use the bike for? I was faced with the same decision not too long ago and decided to stay in the middle weight class. I only use my bike to go out and ride some twisties and the most I ride is 100 miles in a day. I have a short commute for when I do ride to work so extreme comfort isn't an issue. IMO a 600cc engine has more than enough power for the street especially for riding backroads and twisties. If I did more touring and wanted a larger framed bike for comfort then a liter bike would be in order. To me having a 1000cc sport bike is impractical for the street as most don't handle like a 600 and the only time all that power can be used is on the straights.
Ya I pretty much just use it for commuting which is why MPG's are a big deal to me and rarely do I go on really long rides. On occasion I do go out with buddies for rides up to 150 miles, for the most part this is a commuter.
Also, the FZ1 is a sexy beast! I rode behind Erci a while ago and found myself questioning if the 1K is in my future just based on looks alone! :drool:
I always ask myself this question, but I usually only ride one day a week. My average ride is about 130 miles and seeing I don't ride in the winter that only comes out to about 6000 mies a year. The FZ6 seem just fine with this little use. It's always reliable and very seldom does it seem underpowered.

My next bike will be bigger but I can wait, this one still makes me smile.
Obviously no one can answer that question for you. FZ6 is a phenomenal bike and it does everything quite well. It's not underpowered by any means.. you just have to know where the power in terms of RPM.
Liter bike is much more relaxing to ride .. no need to rev it out and there's quite a bit less vibration, but you're paying for it by significantly dropping fuel economy. I loved my FZ6 and I love my FZ1. I could be perfectly happy with either one.
Its horses for courses mate!

Had an interesting chat with an RSV4 owner a couple days back. He used to have an older model FZ6 and loved it. Got a FZ1 for a few weeks then sold it. He couldn't get on with the relatively high pegs versus the sit-up body position. He said it cramped him up. He said by comparison the V4 is way easier to ride. He's just over 6 foot.

So this is my point - As you say, its mostly a commute tool plus occasional hooning with mates. (Here I can understand the whole p***s - sorry - 'power' envy thing;)).
So why not try going for a newer FZ6 with 100bhp, stick some decent cans on (loving my Scorps) and maybe a sprocket ratio change?

The V4 owner told me he has a group ride buddy who has absolutely no problem keeping up with his liter bike crowd.

Give it some thought before binning the advantages of fuel and insurance.
I see however that for some its about owning something impressive and powerful. They have made their compromise and are happy living with it.

For me, if money was no object,..........:D
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Its horses for courses mate!

So why not try going for a newer FZ6 with 100bhp, stick some decent cans on (loving my Scorps) and maybe a sprocket ratio change?

For me, if money was no object,..........:D

All fz6's in the states are rated at ~100hp knock about 5hp off for the Cali version

But for the question of what to do...

My vote nitrous, a little laughing gas never hurt any one :BLAA:
For a commute bike the FZ6 is perfect. most of my riding is commuting. I never feel that I need more power, but I'm also a small guy at 140 lbs so the FZ6 barely even knows I'm there and feels like a liter bike would to a 6'5" 240 lb guy. Power is overrated...once you have it you will find yourself thinking one day "why did I trade an affordable, efficient commuter for power that I can't use 99% of the time on the street?"
You never stop modding regardless of the bike. For commute, I would mod and stick with the mpg. If you have a lot of touring in mind and 2up riding then liter it is..
I think we all agree that no *sane* amount of modding can make the FZ6 into an FZ1.

I'll second others -- I'm not using the full power of the FZ6, and most of the time most riders won't. So the FZ6 is really nice for me. But if somebody offered to trade me a FZ1, oh yeah, I'd be there.

Eventually I'll add a third bike to the stable -- perhaps a BMW S1000RR or R1 or something. Something that I wouldn't want to ride often as a commuter, but that is fun to rip on. But I don't see myself ever *exclusively* owning such a steed.
I run into this dilemma every year.. The FZ6 is extremely hard to fault. I love the FZ1 but every year when I think about trading up I weigh the pros and cons and end up keeping the 6. Yes the increased power and better suspension would be awesome but the lower mpg, faster tire/chain wear, higher insurance, learning to work on a new bike, and starting all over mod-wise are big cons for me. Also I couldn't deal with that monstrosity of a can on the side so immediately that's big money mods to replace that. I guess it comes down to need vs. want. I don't need it by any means - I ride with mostly liter bikes and easily keep up in the corners. Having 25k on the clock doesn't help either - resale value on these even with low miles is pretty bad.